West Seattle Saturday: SB Viaduct closed; Colman Pool open; free e-cycling and shredding; live music; more…

A day or so after we showed you the plastering operation that was the final stage of major renovation work at Colman Pool, local photographer/pilot Long Bach Nguyen shared that image of the pool partly filled. It’s since been completed – fully filled, too! – and reopens today, which is just one of the highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:

REMEMBER – SOUTHBOUND VIADUCT/99 IS CLOSED … and scheduled to remain that way till 9 am Sunday.

EX-WEST SEATTLEITE ASTRONAUT PILOTS SUPER GUPPY TO MoF: Today is the day the not-far-from-West-Seattle Museum of Flight celebrates the arrival of the crew cabin from the space-shuttle trainer it’ll house in a permanent exhibit. As reported here 2 weeks ago, it’s arriving in a Super Guppy cargo plane piloted by astronaut Greg Johnson, a West Seattle High School alum. The whole day’s schedule, starting at 9:30 am, is on this page of the MoF website.

FREE ELECTRONICS RECYCLING & SHREDDING: The West Seattle Junction Association-presented event is happening 10 am-1 pm today in The Junction’s parking lot along 42nd SW between Alaska and Oregon. More details here.

PET ADOPTION EVENT: Room in your heart and home for a new friend? Go to Umpqua Bank (WSB sponsor) in Admiral (just north of Admiral Safeway) 10 am-1:30 pm today. Details here.

EXPLORE RIVERSIDE: Southwest Seattle Historical Society walking tour, with Judy Bentley and Frank Zuvela, 10 am-noon, learning about the fishing community founded near the mouth of the Duwamish River. Details here.

‘INVENTORY BLOWOUT’ PLANT SALE AT SSCC: 11 am-3 pm at Puget Ridge Garden Center on the north side of the campus (6000 16th SW), 30 percent off all plants.

COLMAN POOL REOPENS: Noon today is the first session of 2012 for the outdoor pool at Lincoln Park, which has undergone major renovations – new plaster, mostly new deck, new piping and electrical work and boiler and more – in recent months. Here’s its webpage, including a schedule link. (And here’s our most recent story about the renovations.)

K-5 STEM PLAYDATE: Families enrolled in or interested in West Seattle’s new public school are invited to a playdate at the south Lincoln Park playground, 2-3 pm today (details here).

WEST SIDE MUSIC ACADEMY BANDS @ SKYLARK: Thanks to the tipster who let us know that West Side Music Academy‘s rock bands – Rhythm Jam, Beginning Rock Band and Beginning Girl Band – will be performing at 4 pm at Skylark Café and Club (3803 Delridge Way SW). Free, all ages.

DUWAMISH TRIBAL SERVICES’ GALA DINNER/AUCTION: Tonight at the Duwamish Longhouse (4705 W. Marginal Way SW), 4:30-8 pm, it’s the benefit gala – details here.

GRAND OPENING PARTY: Cycle U (3418 Harbor SW) is throwing a grand-opening party at 6 pm in honor of its recent move.

LIVE MUSIC TONIGHT: The Twitch plays “unplugged rock” at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 6-8 pm … Acoustic blues at Kenyon Hall, Orville Johnson with Grant Dermody and John Miller, 7:30 pm … Disco Cowboys, John Hammock and the Rooster Run Band at Skylark, 9 pm … West Side Sally at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 9 pm … The Badlands, Local Dudes at The Benbow Room, 9 pm.

Way outside West Seattle, but of local note:

EMERALD DOWNS CELEBRATES ‘WEST SEATTLE BOY’: The 21-race-winning 13-year-old named West Seattle Boy is retiring at the South King County track, and special events galore are planned today – detailed here.

7 Replies to "West Seattle Saturday: SB Viaduct closed; Colman Pool open; free e-cycling and shredding; live music; more..."

  • lemmers June 30, 2012 (7:31 am)

    Super excited to go to the coleman pool.

  • Robert June 30, 2012 (8:25 am)

    I thing the headline should have included “Weatherwise, Summer still not here”. :-)

  • flynlo June 30, 2012 (11:28 am)

    Just a nit – the Super Guppy is not a jet, but a prop driven plane!

    • WSB June 30, 2012 (11:47 am)

      thank you! I should know better. Plane. I’ll just say plane. Aircraft.

  • Rick June 30, 2012 (12:31 pm)

    I think the fact that it’s a turboprop might cause some confusion as to whether it is a jet/prop aircraft.

  • Admiral935 June 30, 2012 (1:05 pm)

    More aerial, birds eye fun – thanks to pilot and, WSB reporters

  • scout 1 June 30, 2012 (3:12 pm)


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