Sage shared that photo, saying: “Turns out 30th & Thistle is somewhere over the rainbow!” That rainbow, you probably know, followed an intense hail* shower about an hour ago. According to the National Weather Service’s latest “forecast discussion,” tomorrow will bring more scattered showers mixed with sunbreaks. Possibly related to the downpour, there’ve been at least two crashes in the past hour, including one at California/Charlestown that we’re told is still affecting traffic in the area. Matthew sent this photo from that scene:

Meantime, back to the rainbow – Mike Gerber shared this view of a double rainbow seen from Puget Ridge, on his property with the old orchard house mentioned here previously:

And from High Point, Wendy Hughes-Jelen shares this view:

If you missed the hail … here’s a view on the backyard bricks at WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy:

ADDED 9:25 PM: A few more photos – first, Don Brubeck captured the squall as it headed downtown:

And John Hinkey, northeast of The Junction, got an Alaska Airlines jet, rainbow-bound:

Probably another photo or two to add later .. but in the meantime, thanks again, everybody!