Thanks to Doug B for sharing photos of the submarine seen off West Seattle shores early today (see another, larger image on his Flickr page). Meantime, from the new-look-new-features WSB West Seattle Events calendar, some of what’s up today (follow the link to the calendar page for even more happenings for today/tonight):
ROAD WORK TRAFFIC ALERTS: Once again tonight, the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct is scheduled to be closed 10 pm-5 am (Wednesday night too), and that means drivers cannot exit to the West Seattle Bridge from I-5 or Beacon Hill. The city rundown of the closure(s) is here. … And this is the day that SDOT is starting to repave a block-plus of California SW from Hudson to Dawson – we just checked with Marybeth Turner from SDOT and she confirms (from the scene!) that the work has begun.
CYCLE UNIVERSITY’S NEW LOCATION: Per the announcement published here last month, they’re scheduled to open their bigger new digs on Harbor Avenue SW (just south of ActivSpace) today. Here are their hours. (3418 Harbor Avenue SW)
PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP: Monthly meeting at Providence Mount St. Vincent, 2:30 pm – our calendar listing has more info. (4831 California SW)
PRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: You’re invited to come tour West Seattle Christian Preschool on the northeast edge of The Junction and meet the staff. 5-7 pm. (4425 41st SW)
WINE TASTING: Special Tuesday tasting, 6-7:30 pm, at Bin 41 in The Junction, with James Cahill of Soter Vineyards in Oregon. (4707 California SW)
MERGE ARBOR HEIGHTS/ROXHILL ELEMENTARIES? It’s one possibility the district is floating as the BEX IV levy planning moves to a more intense stage, and school-community members want to talk about it publicly before the official BEX IV feedback meeting later this week. So tonight at 7, there’s a community meeting – “ALL community members welcome,” as one parent put it in a reminder note to us this morning – in the AH cafeteria. Here’s the original announcement we published a few days ago. (3701 SW 104th)
WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL PTSA MEETING: 7 pm tonight in the school library. More info on the WSHS PTSA website. (3000 California SW)