We really DID open registration as promised yesterday for the 8th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – but by the time we were ready, there was so much news to report here, we could only get the early word out in other channels – the WSCGSD website and the Facebook pages for WSCGSD (here) and WSB (here). NOW – we have a breaking-news-less moment to make the announcement here too!
The big day for sales all over West Seattle (more than 200, in recent years) is 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 12, 2012. Here’s the link to the registration form (registration is online-only). Again this year, to further reduce paper use – it was a big hit last year – if you are OK with getting your “packet” via e-mail instead of postal mail (general info including the sign template and how to donate leftovers through Northwest Center if you choose), please click “yes” on the form.
New this year: We have been asked every year about West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day sponsorships. This year, we’re going to give it a try – 3 sponsorship spots. If your business is interested, please contact WSB co-publisher/business-development director Patrick Sand, patrick@wsbsales.com.
Backstory ahead, if you’re new or need a refresher:
West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is NOT one big sale, but rather, one day with many sales all over West Seattle, big and small. There’s a registration fee to cover coordination/promotion costs – same fees for a fifth consecutive year (different fees for individual, group/business/block/organization sales). If you don’t have somewhere to sell your stuff, but still want to get in on WSCGSD, get in touch with Lora @ Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), at the shop (4410 California SW – try a Peep latte! Now!) or info@hotwirecoffee.com. Again this year, Lora plans to open the Hotwire courtyard as a group-sale spot (and if anyone else is interested in hosting a group spot, please contact us to coordinate – garagesale@westseattleblog.com). Registration will be open for 3+ weeks – but whether you’re selling or not, mark your calendar, set an alert, tie a string around your finger, prepare for MAJOR garage-saling on May 12.
P.S. If you’re having a garage sale before or after WSCGSD, remember you can list it for free in the WSB Forums‘ Freebies/Deals/Sales/etc. section.