By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog
As always, the WSBeat summaries are from reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers, incidents of note that (usually) have not already appeared here in breaking-news coverage or West Seattle Crime Watch reports:
*In the 4100 block of 25th SW, a woman let her dog out into her fenced yard. A stranger approached and began taunting the dog and causing it to bark. When told to leave, he responded “What are you going to do about it?” “Call the police,” the woman replied. Fortunately she took her dog inside, because the suspect quickly returned with a large dog, opened the gate, and came into the yard. He began yelling and kicking the fence but left before officers arrived. Based on the subject description, the dog description, and the fact that he could return so quickly, officers thought they knew both who they were looking for and where he lived. When they went to his home, the suspect refused to answer the door, said he hadn’t done anything and invited them to “F*#@ off” if they didn’t have a warrant.
*A local couple fell victim to a scam and wired $5,600 “bail money” after receiving a phone call claiming their granddaughter had been arrested. Before sending more funds, they discovered that their granddaughter was fine and was at home in her college town.
11 more summaries ahead:
*Last Wednesday afternoon around one p.m., in the 8200 block of California Ave. SW, a 19-year-old was uncomfortable with some friends his younger brother planned to invite to the house. An argument ensued, and younger brother grabbed a baseball bat and said he was willing to use it. When older brother picked up the phone to call 911, younger yanked the cord from the wall and grabbed a knife from a kitchen drawer before leaving the residence. The officer made sure the phone worked again, provided domestic violence information, and advised the victim—and his father—to call 911 when the brother returned.
*In a Junction-area home last Wednesday evening, a homeowner called 911 to report an unwelcome visitor (with a history of threats, violence, and overdose) was once again visiting a downstairs tenant who had been served with an eviction notice. The tenant opened the door, and officers arrested the sleeping suspect. Officers spotted a firearm on a table next to the bed, a loaded shotgun on the other side of the room, and a suitcase on a couch (which the tenant kept trying to conceal–likely because it contained nearly $4,000 worth of meth and a loaded firearm). He was booked into King County Jail for investigation of firearms and drug violations. The visitor was booked into King County Jail for $6,000 worth of warrants (for theft and false reporting). He’s also wanted on an unverified $10,000 warrant from Snohomish County.
*Late Monday, two sisters and a young boy were watching television when the kitchen door knob starting rattling. Looking up, one sister saw a stranger at the window, motioning her to open the door. The three fled to the other side of the house and called 911. The suspect was found just a few feet from the house carrying a glass pipe (which tested positive for meth residue), a box cutter in a leather sheath, and gloves. He was booked into KCJ for investigation of attempted residential burglary and on an outstanding no-bail felony warrant.
*On Genesee Hill, a woman with known mental illness and a history of harassing neighbors was taken to Harborview for care late Friday after she called 911 with the latest in a series of wild, illogical rants. In the report, officers noted her erratic mood swings and obvious intoxication. They also noted that the woman seems to have moved out of the home proper and into its crawlspace.
*On Thursday, the driveway behind a Delridge-area store was closed to vehicle traffic because of a company barbecue. When told this, a driver yelled at employees, saying they were blocking the fire lane. He then deliberately drove ahead, first bumping into one worker and then revving his engine and veering toward him a second time. As the employee tried to jump out of the way, he wrenched his knee (the car’s tire was already on his foot). Based on the description of the car and driver, officers were able to track down the vehicle and arrest the 56-year-old suspect. He was booked into King County Jail for investigation of reckless endangerment.
*In Highland Park, an estranged father showed up at his ex-wife’s home for a discussion about child visitation. But when he showed up with bloody hands, his ex told him to leave because he was “scaring the children.”
*After posting on Facebook about daily thoughts of suicide, a local youth received a visit from officers. (Someone had seen the message and contacted authorities about the teen’s welfare.) Officers spoke with the teen at length about how she was feeling and her history of hurting herself. It was decided that an evaluation at Children’s Hospital would be beneficial.
The incidents below are from a reports check one week earlier but ended up being held to add to this roundup:
*Suspicious when a 17-year-old family friend returned to his home twice for odd reasons (to look for a sweater and to use the phone), an Arbor Heights resident drove the young man to a bus stop two miles away. Still bothered, he returned to his home a few minutes later and found the boy was not only back at the residence, but he was testing the front door handle. He fled as the man called 911 and stayed on his trail. Officers arrested the suspect on an outstanding no-bail domestic violence assault warrant. He was booked into the Youth Service Center and is also under investigation for forced residential burglary.
*An alert citizen reported a suspicious person in a pickup truck at a business in the 7500 block of 35th SW. While en-route, officers were told that the truck had been involved in a felony in South Park the previous day and was an unreported stolen vehicle. When officers arrived, the man was out of the car and ran southbound on 35th. He didn’t follow the first orders to stop, and when he veered into fire department property he was ordered to the ground and held at gunpoint. His hands were concealed and he told the officer to “back off.” The officer took cover and called for assistance. The suspect—a convicted felon with a history of firearms and drug violations–was taken into custody, but not before he threw a bag of meth out of his pockets. Another reason for running? A $30,000 warrant for failing to register as a sex offender. He was booked into King County Jail for the warrant, but there was insufficient evidence to hold him for auto theft. (The registered owner of the truck was also involved in the South Park felony incident and is was booked into KCJ.)
*Two friends were in Westcrest Park on a recent Monday afternoon when an acquaintance approached and began assaulting one with a crowbar, hitting him repeatedly on the head and body as he lay on the ground. The friend tried to intervene, but when he was threatened he fled and flagged down a passing King County deputy who called for assistance from Seattle officers. The victim got up and stumbled toward the deputy but fell unconscious, bleeding heavily from a severe head wound. He was transported to Harborview. Seattle officers arrested the suspect as he tried to leave the area. They also found the weapon, which had been tossed into a nearby disabled van. The suspect was booked for investigation of aggravated assault and was also carrying a club, a blackjack, and brass knuckles.
*Numerous citizens called 911 late Monday to report a violent domestic disturbance in the 2700 block of 60th SW. When officers arrived they heard raised voices and crying. The husband claimed his wife (who had a bloody nose) had fallen down. The two were separated, and their teary-eyed three-year-old was led from the room to be comforted by another officer. The woman claimed all was an accident and was evasive when asked about weapons in the home (though officers spotted and temporarily confiscated an unlocked gun case with a 9mm Beretta and a loaded magazine). After interviewing the pair, the husband was arrested and booked into King County Jail for investigation of domestic violence assault. The gun was held by the evidence unit because the husband had threatened to commit suicide if the family was “broken up.”
CRISIS LINE: A resource for those in crisis, including domestic violence as well as thoughts or acts of self-harm: 206.461.3222
EDITOR’S NOTE: WSBeat roundups are archived here. We also continue to publish crime reports the rest of the week, when we get tips or hear noteworthy incidents via the scanner, so don’t be shy about letting us know when you see/hear something happening = calling or texting 206-293-6302 is the best way.