Two schools are celebrating award-winning students’ arts achievements tonight. First, from Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor):

The photo showing some of the Explorer West seventh-graders in the drama program is from Amy, and the report of two student honorees is from Alice:
On Monday night, two seventh grade students from West Seattle’s Explorer West Middle School won prestigious awards from the ACT Theater Young Playwrights Program.
For the past ten weeks, EWMS seventh graders have been working with ACT Theater Young Playwrights Program in the schools. Across Seattle 400 students submitted plays, in hopes of their play being selected for a production at ACT Theater. EWMS was one of two middle schools invited to participate in a mostly high-school-based contest with sixteen schools in Puget Sound, The Young Playwrights Festival. The top 47 plays were honored with an honorable mention and eight were selected for a full production at ACT THeater.
Winning in the top eight was seventh-grade student and lifelong West Seattle resident, twelve-year-old Finnley Kafer for her play, “The Trial of the Wolf and the Three Little Pigs”. Her play will be produced March 15 through 17 at ACT Theater.
Earning an Honorable mention was seventh-grader Jackson Rockowitz for his play, “The Epic Story of Snuffles the Goat Farmer.”
Meantime, Chief Sealth International High School student Pazuzu Jindrich, 15, won a contest for her banner design commemorating Human Rights Day (which was December 10th).

The folks at held the contest and say Pazuzu was chosen the winner from among more than 125 entries! Listen to her explain it in this short video clip:
As you can see in the video – Pazuzu won a Kindle for her award-winning design.