West Seattle group invites you to local meeting with Occupy’ers

Another meeting just added to the schedule for the first week of the New Year:

Inspired by Occupy Seattle? Just curious?

Come to: A Public Meeting

6:00 – 7:30 PM Thursday, January 5
West Seattle Library, 2306 42nd Ave SW

Meet some Occupy Seattle participants. Bring your questions, concerns, ideas. Find out how to get involved!
Hosted by: West Seattle Neighbors for Peace & Justice

11 Replies to "West Seattle group invites you to local meeting with Occupy'ers"

  • Smitty December 31, 2011 (6:15 am)

    Is that still going on? I thought it ended months ago. Is it just the name of a protest group now or are they really still “occupying” space somewhere?

  • marty December 31, 2011 (11:35 am)

    Can’t imagine anything I would want to do less…

  • Rusty December 31, 2011 (11:44 pm)

    What do they want? What I see online is uneducated counterproductive demands. Gimme gimme gimme.

  • Nick January 1, 2012 (9:28 pm)

    There point is still important yet their organization and leadership is lacking and poor. Tnis is a fact PP

  • Fredtate January 2, 2012 (12:43 am)

    Perhaps you guys should attend the meeting and hear from the people directly involved. You might be surprised that they are a little more informed and intelligent than the bumper sticker politics that inform a large part of our population.

  • msc January 4, 2012 (10:09 am)

    I agree with Fredtate. This is a perfect opportunity for people to learn about this movement. I’ll be there!

  • Kate K January 5, 2012 (7:55 am)

    The Occupy movement is important. It’s people standing up to the corporations (and complicit politicians) that are running the show for their own profit at the expense of public well-being.

    Here’s the original Occupy Wall Street Declaration:


  • Jerry Whiting January 5, 2012 (8:12 am)

    I’ve been involved with #OccupySeattle since early October.
    a.) it ain’t what the media tells you
    b.) there’s more going on than sleeping in a park
    c.) I’ve yet to meet any “dirty hipies”
    d.) I *have* meet smart, articulate, passionate people; my neighbors
    e.) the more I participate in #Occupy, the more I want to do

    my two cents worth. YMMV

  • M January 5, 2012 (9:06 am)

    Is B. Obama a “complicit polititian” since he gets alot of his money from Wall Street?

  • JS January 5, 2012 (3:05 pm)

    Does anyone really care about these guys anymore?????

  • CSW January 5, 2012 (10:08 pm)

    Tonights event was very informative. A great turn out of about 30- 40 people. I look forward to the next meeting in 2 weeks. There are many ways to get involved. I particularly liked “Get Money Out Of Politics”. I will attend the meeting on Sunday.

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