5:54 PM: You are likely to hear/see helicopters shortly – at least one news chopper is tracking Amanda Knox and her family as they drive from Sea-Tac to West Seattle. She spoke very briefly when her family met with the media at Sea-Tac a short time ago:

(Photo of Amanda Knox and mom Edda Mellas, by STEVE RINGMAN/Seattle Times, used with permission)
Video of her emotional minute-long remarks, courtesy of KING 5:
“Welcome home” signs are waiting in her family’s Arbor Heights neighborhood – here’s the sign that neighbor Jim and his family have up:

(added) And another sign, photographed by Jennifer:

TV trucks await as well (thanks to the anonymous WSB’er who shared the photo):

6:12 PM: They’ve just arrived home, according to live coverage we’re monitoring on KING.
6:39 PM: …family members arrived in Arbor Heights, anyway. Amanda herself is reported to be at an “undisclosed location.”
ADDED AT MIDNIGHT: A few final notes on the night: From our partners at the Times, Erik Lacitis takes a look at the international media-mania that briefly took over Sea-Tac. Speaking of the airport, WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli happened to catch Knox’s British Airways flight passing West Seattle on its way in:

Around mid-afternoon, we learned that Easy Street wasn’t the only marquee-bearing business with a “welcome” sign:

WEDNESDAY MORNING P.S. Thanks to Lisa for mentioning this in comments. Four regional-media organizations have agreed to honor the Knox family’s request to be left alone for now.