Look what we found on the city Traffic Cameras list – an actual Alaskan Way Viaduct traffic camera. It’s since been added to the WSB Traffic page (tidied that up a bit this weekend – fixed some broken links, enlarged the “live” images, added a few other new, relevant ones too). The Viaduct is actually on the preview list today, too:
SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM REOPENS: The week-plus budget-cut-plus-holiday closure is over as of today.
BACK TO SCHOOL: Many of West Seattle’s independent schools start the new year today – and one public school; full list here.
DEDICATING THE NEW DENNY: Ribbon-cutting ceremony scheduled for new Denny International Middle School building, north side of the now-shared Denny/Sealth campus, with guests including Seattle Public Schools‘ interim superintendent Dr. Susan Enfield, 1 pm (details here).
PLAYGROUND PARTY: Lafayette Elementary playground celebration/dedication, community party with entertainment, free barbecue and more, 5-7 pm (details here)
ROTARY GETS VIADUCT UPDATE: Rotary Club of West Seattle weekly luncheon meeting features Seattle Times (WSB partner) transportation reporter Mike Lindblom discussing the Highway 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct/tunnel project, noon at Salty’s on Alki.
CITY COUNCIL GETS VIADUCT UPDATE: City Council’s Alaskan Way Viaduct committee gets briefed on where things stand, 2:30 pm (agenda here)
FIRST TUESDAY TUNE-UP: Salty’s on Alki launches the “First Tuesday Tune-Up” series — a cocktail fundraiser to benefit a local nonprofit, hosted by Victor Janusz, no cover, raffle prizes, tonight featuring ArtsWest Playhouse, on the eve of its new season, which opens with “Amy’s View.” 4:30-7:30 pm.
OPEN MIKE AT SKYLARK: Skylark Café and Club is adding a second open mike night on Tuesdays! (Wednesdays have been packed full of acts for months now.) It’s slightly different … hosted by Tekla & Brian of local band Blvd Park and will be acoustic-only. Poetry and comedy are encouraged, as well as all types of acoustic music, all ages 7-9 pm, then 21+ after 9 pm as usual.
TRY IT FOR $2: Seattle Parks and Recreation‘s “Try It for $2” Program (WSB sponsor) starts its September 2011 run today: Attend a program or class session once for $2 at one of the city’s many community centers. If you like it, register for the remainder of the class for a prorated amount. If you’re new to a water-fitness program, try one session for $2. Current participants get in FREE if they bring a new participant More info at tryitfor2.com.