HELP GET THE WORD OUT IN DELRIDGE: At 10 am Sunday, volunteers are needed to help distribute 1,600 flyers in the Delridge area, letting people know about the October 11th Delridge Community Forum, focused on the DESC proposal to build a 75-apartment complex for homeless people living with mental illness. If you can help, be at Delridge Library (Brandon/Delridge) at 10 o’clock Sunday morning (rain or shine).
DONATE FOOD: 10 am-2 pm Saturday, Prudential NW Realty team members are collecting food-bank donations – money and/or food – at stores including PCC Natural Markets (WSB sponsor), West Seattle Thriftway, Jefferson Square Safeway, and White Center Albertsons.
From the Barton Street P-Patch (34th/Barton) crew, that photo and this request:
The Barton Street PPatch is seeking community volunteers to help build retaining walls this weekend. No experience necessary- you need only bring your enthusiasm. These walls use mortar over reclaimed materials, chain link and tiles, shells, pottery shards and other found objects. Shifts are available Saturday 10-3 and Sunday 11-3. We are also seeking muscular folks to help mix mortar and do other digging, weeding and wheelbarrow activities. Please let us know if you are interested in participating in this community garden. or