From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:
CLOSING DAY FOR OLD JUNCTION LIQUOR STORE: Out with the old, in with the new. The old state liquor store in The Junction closes for good when its doors shut tonight on California SW at 9 pm, and the new one (as first reported here in February, it’s in Capco Plaza at 41st/Alaska) opens tomorrow morning, as a “premier store” that will be the first in the state trying out a new concept including liquor-tasting events (here’s our original report from June).
CRIMEFIGHTING IN ARBOR HEIGHTS, AND DONATIONS FOR FIRE VICTIMS: Arbor Heights Community Church announced tonight’s crime-prevention meeting long before last Saturday’s house fire nearby. But it will now do double duty – the church will accept donations for the fire victims (as explained in our Sunday night story) at the meeting. It’s at 41st/102nd in Arbor Heights.
LAW-ENFORCEMENT DRILL ON PUGET RIDGE: South Seattle Community College will host an exercise today that might look or sound alarming if you happen onto it – but it’s only a drill. Details here, in the preview we published last night.
JOB-SEARCH SUPPORT GROUP: The weekly “Notes from the Job Search” support/networking group meets 11 am today (and every Tuesday) at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor), 5612 California SW.
BIRD PHOTOS AT BIRD ON A WIRE: West Seattle photographer Danny McMillin, whose work you’ve seen here and elsewhere, debuts his photography show “A Sampling of Birds” at Bird on a Wire Espresso in West Seattle (SW Henderson west of 35th SW) this afternoon. It’ll be up through September,
BACK TO SCHOOL BARBECUE: Eight days before the first day of classes, a Back to School BBQ is scheduled today for Roxhill Elementary families, 4:30 – 6:30 pm, serving hot dogs and chips, and distributing free backpacks and school supplies to as many students as they can.
COUCH TO 5K: Running Evolution starts a new Couch to 5k class at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor), 6:30 tonight. It’s a 6 week class for $95.
DISC-OVER THIS: West Seattle Ultimate Frisbee plays 6:30 pm Tuesdays at Fairmount Playfield.
‘TRIVIA THAT ROCKS’ Tuesday night means rock music trivia at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm.