Next community meeting for Highland Park Spraypark has a twist

A Seattle Parks postcard announcing the next public meeting for the Highland Park wading pool-to-spraypark conversion just arrived – and caused us to do a doubletake. The meeting on Tuesday, August 23, is listed as happening, not in a room somewhere, but at the actual site, 1100 SW Cloverdale (map). That’s fairly rare – so we called project manager Kelly Goold to make sure that wasn’t a typo. Nope, says Kelly, the meeting is indeed AT the site, so attendees can better envision the design concepts that will be presented. So mark your calendar for 6:30 pm August 23rd (here’s our coverage of the first project meeting).

5 Replies to "Next community meeting for Highland Park Spraypark has a twist"

  • JO August 2, 2011 (4:28 pm)

    Brilliant! Very smart on the project manager’s part to use the actual site. It’s so great for everyone to “SEE” what is possible. Nice Job Parks folks!

  • coffee August 2, 2011 (5:28 pm)

    Isn’t it nice when people think outside of the box??!!

  • Cascadianone August 2, 2011 (5:41 pm)

    Hehehe. Wait, we can actually, like, you know, GO to a park and meet and talk to people there??? How strange! :D

  • mcbride August 3, 2011 (10:24 am)

    I’ve worked with Kelly Goold before. He’s skilled at what he does, in large part because he listens carefully, even (especially?) when you don’t care for the idea, or feel strongly about a particular element.
    For those who want to give direction to this park, I encourage you to reach out to Kelly (his contact information is on the flyer). My experience has been that he is good at incorporating suggestions from stakeholders.

  • parkie August 3, 2011 (9:36 pm)

    This project is scheduled to compete in September for 2012 funding from this fund source: available through Commitments of donated time, materials and cash can help a project score well. The City might have some ideas about how West Seattle residents could help.

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