4:30 PM: Avoid the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct – truck trouble has backed it up to I-5. We’re trying to find out if it’s the same truck we tweeted about while stuck in traffic in the same spot two hours ago. Anyway, bottom line, avoid the I-5-to-99 section of the bridge TFN.
4:41 PM: Thanks to those who are sending photos, including Brad, whose pic we just added. Looks like the same spot where a truck was stuck in the 2 pm hour.

On Twitter, one driver says it’s truly a dead stop … and some people are out of their cars (as seen in the photo tweeted by Rob, added above).

4:56 PM: WSDOT says via Twitter that the stuck semi is FINALLY being towed off the Spokane Street Viaduct – still will take the backup a while to clear, though. The truck apparently lost a wheel (we had noticed a flat while passing it in 2 pm hour). Thanks to Ashley for the photo above showing the truck (and tow crew).

6:13 PM: Sounds like all’s getting back to normal – let us know if you’re experiencing otherwise. Meantime, just added the photo above this paragraph, taken by Danny McMillin – note the skateboarders on the new construction alongside the jammed-up road. (Click to see a larger version.)