(Photographed from Jack Block Park: Alaska-bound barge, outbound last Friday)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:
OPENING DAY FOR A TERRIBLE BEAUTY: At Edmunds/California, the doors swing open to the public starting with lunch today, as this Irish restaurant/pub expands from its Renton roots to add a West Seattle location. Here’s our story from last night’s preview party.
NOTES FROM THE JOB SEARCH: Job search help and networking opportunity at C&P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor; 5612 California SW), 11 am. Whether your search for new employment is long-running, or brand new, this group – which has been meeting for two years – welcomes you to drop by and check it out.
ROTARY EXCHANGE PROGRAM: As mentioned here the other day, Rotary is recruiting non-Rotarians for the next round of its Group Study Exchange – a chance for professionals 25-40 to spend a month in Nepal, without the travel costs. Find out more when GSE participants from a different group speak to the Rotary Club of West Seattle weekly luncheon meeting today, noon at Salty’s on Alki.
SOMALI STORY TIME: Stories, rhymes, and fun, 1:30-2 pm at the High Point public library (3411 SW Raymond Street). Branch (35th/Raymond).
50+ SINGLES: Meet and mingle at Tully’s Coffee (2676 Alki Ave SW), 5 pm. Meet, then walk and talk along the Alki Beach pathway.
OPEN HOUSE: Sweet Pea Cottage Preschool of the Arts (7141 California SW inside the Unitarian Church) is hosting an open house at 5 pm. Snacks for all and art projects for the kids.
READY FOR YOUR NIGHT OUT PARTY? The night-of-a-thousand-block-parties Night Out isn’t till August 2nd, but registration is under way now, and tonight’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting is Night Out 101, with the help of Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Mark Solomon. 6:30 pm at the precinct; you don’t have to be a captain or even in a Block Watch to attend.
A DRINK FOR THE KIDS: The citywide multi-location, multi-night fundraiser for youth arts venue The Vera Project is in West Seattle tonight – after 6 pm, certain beverages at West 5 benefit TVP (more details here).
SPOKE AND FOOD: Bike to dinner tonight at Chaco Canyon Organic CafĂ© (38th/Alaska) or Proletariat Pizza (downtown White Center) – both of which have ample bike parking! – where, as part of this citywide benefit, part of the proceeds benefit the Seattle Tilth Children’s Garden program.
WHITE ROSE RECEPTION: West Seattle Hi-Yu 2011 White Rose Reception at Fauntleroy UCC Church (9140 California Ave SW), 7 pm. This event is for women only and is a celebration of past and present Hi-Yu royalty and candidates. All are invited. Come and share Hi-Yu memories or learn about our community festival. Past royalty are encouraged to wear or bring their tiaras, and memory scrapbooks. Check for ticket availability: 206-935-6517, or wshiyu@yahoo.com.
NAVIGATING THE WATERS OF PARENTHOOD – AT THE BEACH: Parenting workshop with Bill Dean, 7 pm, Alki Arts, 2820 Alki Ave SW.
BOOK RELEASE PARTY:West Seattle author Caryl Sherpa reads from her debut memoir, “I TASTE FIRE, EARTH, RAIN: Elements of a Life with a Sherpa.” The book will be available for the first time at the party at The Kenney‘s Community Room (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW), doors open at 7 pm, the program begins at 7:30 pm, and a book signing and afterparty will follow.
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