During the Saturday night sock-hop fundraiser for West Seattle-based Family Promise of Seattle at Holy Rosary, we talked with board member Lynne Downs about the shelter service’s reopening: She tells WSB they have already helped two homeless families, 11 people in all, just since last Monday, and have met their goal of hiring a case worker.
It’s been a long road back for Family Promise, since their August announcement of a “hiatus” till they could raise enough money to resume operations, but in March, they vowed to reopen in June – and so they have. It’s a nationwide model involving a partnership with organizations (usually churches) that take turns hosting and feeding the families at night, while FP offers a day center and other help so the families can get back on their feet – and in this area, it’s the only place homeless families can stay together (instead of separating to go to men’s/women’s shelters). Miss the fundraiser? You can donate online right now, here.