‘EIGHT GOING ON EIGHTEEN’: Think kids these days are growing up too fast? Parent educator Amy Lang will be at Pathfinder K-8 in West Seattle tomorrow night at 6 pm to tackle the topic, and you’re invited. Here’s the official flyer; the talk is free, but they’re requesting that you RSVP, pathfinderk8rsvp@gmail.com.
HEAR CHIEF SEALTH’S HONOR CHOIR BEFORE CARNEGIE HALL TRIP: You’ve seen them wash cars, sell cupcakes, etc. – and now, see and hear them sing! Chief Sealth International High School‘s Carnegie Hall-bound Honor Choir sings as part of the next “Sweet, Sweet Music” show at Fauntleroy Church, 7:30 tomorrow night. (Full details on the show – which includes dessert! – can be found on the church website.)
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