Almost two months ago, we reported on Ho-Win Chinese Restaurant‘s decision not to renew their lease after 12 years at 5905 California SW. They hadn’t set a closing date at the time – but last night, we got a tip via Twitter, and today its proprietors (who had to be coaxed to pause ever so briefly for a photo!) confirmed to WSB contributor Bill “Hutch” Hutchison that TONIGHT is their final night. Unless business is very slow (call first if you’re considering going in mid- to late evening), they expect to be serving until 10:30 pm. First on the agenda post-shutdown – a well-deserved vacation, including a visit to China. Then maybe – a new restaurant, back here in West Seattle! But not in this space; it reportedly has been rented (we’re checking on that). Their message to you: Thanks for your years of support.
West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday