(WSB photo from 7/18/2010, biggest opening-night crowd ever for WS Outdoor Movies)
Drippy, murky weather, and just one easy antidote (unless you have a private plane you can take to the tropics at a moment’s notice) – dream of summer. Here’s one way to do it: Suggest a movie for this summer’s West Seattle Outdoor Movies (with WSB again among the sponsors)! If you are a new arrival, here’s the backstory: Every summer, the parking courtyard alongside Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) in The Junction turns into an outdoor moviehouse for six consecutive Saturday nights – concessions are sold as fundraisers, there’s always some kind of wacky pre-movie entertainment, you bring the chairs and blankets. And when spring arrives, you suggest the movies! Every year there are some licensing-terms constraints, so even if something seems like the absolute popular choice hands-down, there might be an obstacle, but don’t let that get in your way – if there’s something you would love to enjoy under the stars (and one night last year, hardy souls even stayed through some rain), suggest it now! (If you’re worried about being redundant, here’s last year’s lineup.)
P.S. Two more Hotwire notes, while we’re at it – the Peeps drinks are back (there’s another way to beat the gray-sky blues) – read more about them in the latest Hotwire newsletter – and Hotwire is offering table space for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (May 14th, 9 am-3 pm, sales all over West Seattle – 200 last year! – registration opens Monday). If you don’t have room for your own sale, e-mail Lora to reserve a free courtyard spot: info@hotwirecoffee.com. (And if you use Facebook, you can “like” the WSCGSD page for updates and for the chance to post wall info about your own sale when May 14th gets closer!)