(This morning’s high tide met high winds! Photo by David Rosen, SlickPix Photography)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar, as we say farewell to winter:
FIRST SPRING SUNSET: Spring equinox arrives at 4:21 pm our time – watch at Solstice Park with Alice Enevoldsen!
REMEMBER, THE VIADUCT’S CLOSED AGAIN: Alaskan Way Viaduct shutdown scheduled till 6 pm; the closure often ends earlier on Sunday, so watch here (and our new Facebook page – “liked” it yet? – plus Twitter) for updates if it does reopen sooner.
FLOWERS AND FOOD AT THE MARKET: West Seattle Farmers’ Market, 10 am-2 pm, The Junction (44th/Alaska),
ROCK ‘N’ ROLL RUMMAGE SALE: Garage Rock rummage sale at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 11:30 am-6 pm.
BOWLING BENEFIT FOR AMANDA KNOX DEFENSE FUND: 2-4:30 pm at West Seattle Bowl, a community fundraiser for the costs her family continues to incur. (Official flyer here). Questions? Al or Julie at tootdelafruit@gmail.com or almco@aol.com
ZUMBA FOR WEST SEATTLE YMCA PARTNERS WITH YOUTH: Spend up to two hours Zumba’ing 5-7 pm tonight (or any portion thereof) to raise money for the Y initiative that supports so many programs in the community – details in our preview.
LIVE MUSIC TODAY/TONIGHT: Jamtime at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor), 1-4 pm … Locöl hosts the Jacob Lakatua Quartet, 8 -11 pm (here’s the Facebook invite) … Note that Skylark Café and Club is NOT presenting live music tonight – instead it’s closing after brunch for floor repair (open till 3 pm).