North Delridge council focuses on neighborhood preparedness

For all the time you may have spent in the past few days watching those jaw-dropping videos from the Japan earthquake/tsunami/nuclear zones, spend some time watching/listening to this one. Monday night’s North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting was almost entirely devoted to disaster/emergency preparedness, and we put the 43-minute heart of the discussion on video for those who couldn’t be there. The topic actually had been planned before the Japan quake. Information was presented by Debbie Goetz from the city, which presents SNAP preparedness classes (next two in West Seattle are June 7th at 6:30, High Point Library, and November 3rd at 6:30, Southwest Library), and Cindi Barker from the all-volunteer West Seattle Be Prepared. The presentation led to a discussion about the need for North Delridge to have its own Emergency Communication Hub as part of WSBP (as Cindi reiterated, these are places you would go for information in case of catastrophe). North Delridge will keep the conversation going (NDNC meets the 2nd Monday of each month, 6:30 pm, Delridge Library); if you are in another neighborhood – check to see where YOUR nearest hub is:

View West Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs in a larger map

1 Reply to "North Delridge council focuses on neighborhood preparedness"

  • hatcher March 15, 2011 (6:11 am)

    Thank you to all the people who work on disaster preparedness in our hood. I feel safer knowing that plans are in place. THANKS!

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