Several of West Seattle’s many preschools have joined forces to start the first-ever West Seattle Preschool Association, and they’re getting out the word in hopes other preschools will join in. That’s one invitation; the second – as part of the WSPA’s launch, they’re presenting the next West Seattle Preschool Fair in April.
Renee Metty of The Cove School, president of the new association, says its mission is to “bring together preschool children, their parents and their educators in order to celebrate and promote quality preschool programs, parent education and school collaboration.” They’ve sent a letter this week to as many preschools in the area whose e-mail contact information they could find; it explains that the association was inspired by a group of preschool owners/directors who started meeting in the area last summer. The group meets monthly, third Mondays at 7 pm, and there are no membership fees during the first year (unless a school wants to be a “founding member,” in which case a $25 fee is due by June 1st, and they’re planning $35 annual fees after that).
Metty says that any West Seattle preschool educators who didn’t get the WSPA’s introductory letter are invited to contact them to be added to the list – e-mail Stephanie at Meantime, the West Seattle Preschool Fair is planned for 5:30 pm-7:30 pm April 4th at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, 3050 California SW. They’re still signing up schools interested in participating – first-come, first-serve; deadline is March 31st, with a discount before 3/15; call 206-923-COVE or e-mail For families visiting the fair, admission will be free. (In future years, they plan to have the fair in January, recognizing that most school decisionmaking happens early in the year.)