(City graphic of Station 36 site; purple area is right-of-way to be “vacated” for the project)
By Katie Meyer
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
The Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council was briefed last night about the upcoming work at Fire Station 36 alongside the West Seattle Bridge, one month after a city team visited the North Delridge Neighborhood Council to present a similar update.
Concerns about noise levels from both the planned construction/seismic retrofitting and the new on-site 72-hour-capacity generator were addressed: David Kunselman, Fire Facilities Levy Program Manager, said that construction will follow Seattle’s noise codes as per the zoning, and some weekend work will likely be allowed, but: “Most of the work will be internal, so it should be pretty quiet.”
Guarantees about noise abatement for the generator come from city codes requiring an acoustical “shroud” or screen built around it, certified by an acoustical consultant. “The decibel level will probably be no louder than traffic.” Battalion Chief Fletcher explained, “with the exception of when they’re exercised or ‘verified,’ they’re not run often. I’ve been told they’re run once a month, 15-20 minutes.”
One attendee called out “Make it tsunami-proof!”
(Here’s the city’s fact sheet for the project.)
Other notes:
*Enthusiastically describing the role of chair as “a nitroglycerin ride into the unknown,” co-chair Jim Sander raised the issue of electing new leadership for the group after the year-long service by Theresa Hoy and himself. After discussion of the responsibilities and typical time required, Brita Long volunteered, and was welcomed as the new chairperson for the PPNC.
*Realtor Kelsey Diller spoke about a “green-built” 4-bedroom, 2.5-bath home currently under construction on 23rd Ave SW, near the new Genesee staircase. She says the house has received a 3-star energy efficiency rating. Details on the cost benefits of ownership (“several thousand annually” was mentioned) will be discussed at the open house when construction is complete – around 4 to 6 weeks from now.
*New business items for the PPNC included an update on the Genesee stairs having been poured – while handrails aren’t installed yet, the barricades to the stairs have been removed, with improved drainage now going down both sides of the stairs. (Rumors of the city’s further work on the stairs between 21st and 22nd this summer have yet to be verified.)
*Pigeon Point’s yearly Spring Clean event is scheduled for Saturday, April 30th. (Neighbor Paula B. mentioned recently noticing in some paperwork that the first spring cleaning for the area was organized back in 1982!) The little staircase on “the split” mid-block on 21st Ave SW has been damaged and will likely be included in the Spring Clean unless SDOT responds to fix it in the interim.
*Overall, “It’s been pretty quiet”; nothing major on “problem” houses, although some persistent car repairs on the street have been noticed near Andover. One area resident wants to make her large yard available for shared gardening (she’d prefer it be used for food rather than flowers). One neighbor inquired about a Block Watch on her specific block and was informed that, since Benjamin Kinlow has just retired (without being replaced as crime-prevention coordinator), she should contact the Community Police Team at the Southwest Precinct for direction, and to check with the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network.
*Looking ahead, attendees were urged to think about what new projects should be worked on, as those inspire residents to get involved.
*Continued costs of hosting the pigeonpoint.org website was discussed, as locals usually get PPNC news via e-mail and their Google Group, while printed newsletters are distributed by hand, leveraging neighbors meeting in person and getting involved. Regardless of a final decision down the road, the website’s archived content – including old photos and past radio-tower issues – is an asset the group plans on saving.