Taking laps on a flat track, at the Southwest Athletic Complex in the sunshine. Sound like a great thing to do in the midst of midday sunshine like this? Maybe – until you realize the Chief Sealth International High School Walk for Water involves carrying gallons of water, to get a bit of a feel for what people all over the world have to do to get water – carrying heavy containers for miles, from the water source to home. The walk is under way for a few more hours, as the World Water Week “ideas festival” concludes today. Faculty’s joining in, too:
On the side of the track, where athletes would usually gear up for a game, the students are helping each other put on their water-laden packs:
Across the street, inside the school, this day has a special schedule. Students have been rotating through activities including speakers in the auditorium and Little Theater (among them, reps from the King County Wastewater Treatment Division, Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, National Wildlife Federation, and Gates Foundation), s well as events in classrooms, including a Water Taste Test. This concludes the “local ideas festival” that Sealth senior Molly Freed and social-studies teacher Noah Zeichner spearheaded after they were chosen to participate in the Aspen Ideas Festival last year – on condition they organize and present a “local ideas festival” back home. The week began with an event open to everyone in the community, with high-profile speakers (here’s our video of the entire event, plus a full writeup).