Two notes from the Alki Community Council this morning: First, a reminder of tomorrow night’s monthly meeting, 7 pm, Alki UCC (6112 SW Hinds), with agenda items including the May 22nd “car-free day” Summer Streets as well as emergency preparedness (checked West Seattle Be Prepared lately?). Second, a volunteer opportunity, reported by David Hutchinson:
In its agreement with Seattle Parks & Recreation, the Alki Community Council made a commitment to provide volunteer assistance in maintaining the landscape beds at the Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza. On Saturday, March 26th, Phil Renfrow, Parks Senior Gardener, will be at the Plaza to supervise the replanting of these areas. If you enjoy working out of doors in a beautiful setting, you are invited to drop by and lend a hand. If you plan on coming, please contact Eilene at 206-933-8352 or email us at
The new plants are being purchased using the Parks administered maintenance fund, created through the sale of the engraved bricks & bronze plaques. Last year the ACC turned over more than $35,000 to supplement this fund. There are currently 73 bricks and 2 plaques left for sale. Orders received by the end of March will be installed by Parks this spring, probably in late May or early June. Orders received after that date will be installed later this fall. Brick order forms can be picked up at the Plaza or downloaded at . For additional information on the plaza project, see
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