Several West Seattle Crime Watch reports from the WSB inbox – a stolen car to watch for, a stolen car apparently found, and two hit-and run cases, one unsolved – (update: a newly reported roof-rack theft added) – after the jump:
From Shay:
Our 1990 light blue Honda Accord, 4 door sedan, license plate 099 YEZ was stolen outside our house this morning (last night). We live above Fauntleroy on 37th between Trenton and Donovan.
This is a HUGE blow to us and would love if people could keep their eyes peeled and let us know if they see any trace of it. There was a child’s car seat inside, as well as some very sentimental items (a new Sector 9 longboard skateboard, old mixed tapes — yes, cassettes — that cannot be replaced…).
Here’s my cell if anyone has any information: 206-963-9930.
Another painful reminder not to leave anything in your car; no victim-blaming comments, please.
Not the same time frame, but Craig sent a note yesterday with a photo of an apparently stolen car found outside his house in the 9000 block of 25th SW:

He wrote: “Was awakened early (Thursday) morning around 3:30 by noise out front and a loud car peeling off. Looks like someone lost their stolen car they were attempting to tow off.” He says officers confirmed “plates came back stolen for a 98 Acura” and were taking care of it.
Stacey e-mailed last night hoping someone saw this hit-and-run (call her at 206.941.1084 with info):
i am writing to see if anyone has any information about at hit and run that occurred outside my house (Thursday) evening.
Around 5:30 my light brown 2010 Toyota RAV-4 was hit on the corner of 35th and Cloverdale. the driver would have turned left onto Cloverdale from 35th, slammed into the back left of my car and drove away. We suspect it was a white truck. there would be a decent amount of damage to their front right bumper.
And “Concerned Neighbor” tells the story of a close call earlier this week:
I’m a resident of 32nd Ave SW and witnessed a car ram a parked car and flip in broad daylight. The driver appeared to be intoxicated and was not willing to stick around. He left the scene of the accident. Later the police arrived and with the help of a left cell phone and information in the car, the driver was identified. The police officers said the driver was a convict and was driving his girlfriend’s car. We were minutes away from being victims of this crime as the point of where the car rolled was where we had walked just seconds prior. What will it take to bust these drug houses (2 for sure) on our street and the druggies for which they supply? We have seen several cars going to and fro. I even had to confront a car parked in front of my house after I witnessed exchange of money and a passenger walking down the block to one of the houses to get the goods.
We have a followup note out, asking what part of 32nd SW. Crime Watch reminder: Always tell the police FIRST … we get notes/calls sometimes from people who haven’t reported the incident to the police but want to share it here. Contact WSB *after* SPD … even if all they can do is take a report, it is important for them to know trends, alter patrol patterns, even fight for funding. And you never know when they just might find your stolen item(s) or arrest a suspect who was involved … and if your incident’s not on record, they’ll never know. (Some crimes can be reported online.)
ADDED 12:19 PM: From Derek:
Just wanted to mention that somebody stole the roof rack off of my wife’s car last night. We live in the 6700 block of Murray Ave, just North of Lincoln Park.
The rack had Thule rectangular base bars and feet, along with a fork mount Thule bike carrier and a fork mount Rocky Mounts bike carrier. The rack was locked to the roof of the car, so I can only guess that they just destroyed the locks and took off with the whole thing.
Not that I really expect to ever see it again, but I figured I’d send an email anyway.