(Panorama of Bar-S fields; photo courtesy West Seattle Little League)
Now that the New Year has arrived, spring and baseball don’t seem as far away as they did just days before the old year ended. One reminder comes from West Seattle Little League, which is days away from its first of two in-person registration events. Players can register January 11th and 18th, both at West Seattle High School‘s library (3000 California SW), both 6-8:30 pm, says WSLL president Mark Terao, who shared details of what you need to bring, as well as other important league-related information – read on:
Please remember to bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate along with copy of birth certificate and three proofs of residence. Check the website for acceptable proofs of residence:
Drivers License
Insurance Card
Voters Registration Card
Utility Bills (Only one counts toward the 3)
Cell Phone Bill
Property Taxes
Rent Receipt
Financial/Bank Statements2011 Fees:
T-Ball & Coach Pitch: $120 per player
Minors – Big League: $140 per player
A $30.00 volunteer fee is included in the cost of registration. This $30.00 fee is refundable at the end of the season, upon your verification of at least 5 hours of volunteer work for the league. Scholarships are available.All returning players may send in all of their registration documents, copies of 3 proof of residence along with payment to
West Seattle Little League
4742 42nd Ave SW PMB 252
Seattle, WA 98116Little League International Issues Update Regarding Composite Bats:
Moratorium Imposed Immediately.
Little League International has placed a moratorium on the use of composite bats in the Little League (Majors) Division and all other baseball divisions of Little League, effective immediately. What this means is, composite bats will not be allowed in the Majors division and below at this time. “The maximum performance standard for non-wood bats in the divisions for 12-year-olds and below is a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.15. The research found that composite bats, while they may meet the standard when new, can exceed that standard after a break-in process.” We will have to see which bat manufacturers submit a waiver to Little League International and whether they will be granted.On Sept. 1, Little League International placed a moratorium on composite bats in the Junior, Senior, and Big League Baseball Divisions of Little League. Subsequent to that moratorium, some composite bat models have received a waiver and may be used in those divisions. Information on the composite bats that have received waivers for the Junior, Senior, and Big League Baseball Divisions of Little League may be found here:
As soon as the approved bat list for 2011 is provided by Little League International I will distribute/post the list for all of you on our website and through our e-mail list.
On a happier issue, I take this time to thank all of you that have donated to our new concession and storage building. Your generosity is appreciated and when the new season begins the new indoor bathrooms will be greatly appreciated by all. For those that are still interested in donating, you will have the opportunity to do so at registration. All donations are tax-deductible. Please visit our website dedicated to the progress of our new facilities at:
wsllsnackshack.shutterfly.comI look forward to seeing and playing with all of you in the new year.
Happy New Year.
Mark Terao
West Seattle Little League