Comments on: Update: Car crash leads to power outage in West Seattle West Seattle news, 24/7 Fri, 21 Jan 2011 02:50:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: johnny-on-the-spot Fri, 21 Jan 2011 02:50:57 +0000 I agree with WS native. They should’ve received the Darwin award, but since they didn’t it is ok in my book to be ticked that their idiocy fried his tv. They should pay up.

By: k Thu, 13 Jan 2011 07:09:42 +0000 These people are incredibly lucky to be alive, you would not be making such materialistic comments if you had been there before the medics arrived trying to tell the man not to move as he went in and out of semi counsciosness. yes they made a horrible mistake, hopefully from this experience they will have learned a valuable lesson. Complaining so heartleslessy only makes you look bad, my advice get a surge protector so your electronics are safe.

By: ws native Thu, 13 Jan 2011 06:34:58 +0000 I hope those two people survive and I get to meet them. I want to thank them personally for the power surge that followed the power outage. It destroyed my TV. I am tired of irresponsible people causing trouble for everyone else.

And why doesn’t the city turn Charleston into a one way street, heading up the hill? Maybe from 51st to California.

By: Barb Wed, 12 Jan 2011 21:22:35 +0000 Many thanks to the WS Blog for following up with the couple in this accident…having seen them that morning, I would not have thought that would be possible.
I think the idea of speed bumps on Charlestown approaching that hill would have to prevent potential “thrill seekers” from getting up that kind of speed to be able to launch off the top of that hill.

By: sc Wed, 12 Jan 2011 15:00:45 +0000 We have lived near 46th and Charlestown for 18 years. I was sitting in my front room Sunday morning and heard the accident. The car was speeding as it headed west towards the hill. Usually after a car gets “air” you hear it bottom out and then the screech of brakes. This car did bottom out but I heard no brakes. The sound of the car rolling was like fingernails on a chalkboard amplified a thousand times and then came the tremendous bang as it hit the telephone pole. Would more signs or speed bumps have changed the outcome I don’t know. But in all the years living here I had never heard car crash sounds like that. And hope I never do again.

By: KCH Wed, 12 Jan 2011 04:45:18 +0000 @Chuck:

We live on the NE corner of Charlestown/47th. We should organize and approach the city w/ some possible solutions. I like your idea of additional signs.

Speed bumps, similar to the ones found on Beach Drive (which I believe is also an arterial) might be another option.

By: miws Wed, 12 Jan 2011 01:25:40 +0000 I was wondering if there was some kind of traffic control at 46th & Charlestown. I don’t get to that area often, and don’t remember what the current set up is.


The City did something, back, I believe in the ’70’s. I don’t remember if it was stop signs on Charlestown, or a “No Left Turn” westbound to southbound, or some other restriction. If it’s totally uncontrolled, and unrestricted now, it would be interesting to know the City’s reasoning for lifting the restriction.


My Aunt’s Mother lived in the house on the southwest corner of 46 & Charlestown from probably going back at least to the ’40’s or 30’s, until she passed away in 1981, and as Chuck points out above, it’s been a problem for decades. My Aunt and Uncle lived a short distance away at 41st & Manning, and instead of going the quickest way, up 41st to Charlestown, then down Charlestown to 46th, she’d take the “long way” around, going south down to Bradford, or Andover (whichever goes all the way through westbound), and come back up northbound on 46th, just to avoid making that blind left turn at the top of the hill.



By: Chuck Tue, 11 Jan 2011 22:45:43 +0000 This is very good news. Thank god they will survive. As Barb points out, for those of us living at this intersection these frequent accidents have become very traumatic experiences. I myself have had vehicles end up through my fence and into my front yard, barely missing my house. There have been fatalities and very severe injuries in just the past 12 years I have lived here.

This hill has been a continual problem for decades. Drivers traveling Westbound on Charlestown from California have quite a distance to build up speed before approaching the top of the hill. The hill is poorly signed, and for those unfamiliar with the neighborhood it often catches them by total surprise. Even traveling at 30 or 40 mph over this hill is dangerous. Drivers are often going so fast that they fail to stop at the stop sign at the bottom of the hill at 47th. With a Middle School just a block away and an Elementary School a few blocks away this is incredibly dangerous. I cannot help but think this is a potential liability for the city as a case might be made for negligence in managing the risk.

One inexpensive solution to this problem would be a stop sign on westbound Charlestown at 46th Ave SW. This would force cars to stop before proceeding down the hill and therefore would reduce the rate the vast majority of the drivers took the hill. It would not stop the occasional drunk driver or reckless kid. However, many of these accidents have been people traveling at excessive speed; and most have been from outside the area, unfamiliar with the dramatic slope of the hill. A simple stop sign might save lives.
The addition of a flashing light drawing attention to the existing steep hill warning sign (which goes completely unnoticed) would go along way toward warning people of this dangerous hill as well.

The combination of these two improvements would cost the City very little, not impede the flow of traffic, not impair the ability of emergency response vehicles to maneuver, and would greatly improve the safety of the surrounding neighborhood.

By: WSB Tue, 11 Jan 2011 21:13:18 +0000 In reply to Barb.

I checked again with police this morning. They both survived, according to Detective Mark Jamieson in the media unit; he called the Traffic Collision investigators. Serious injuries but expected at this point to recover.

By: Barb Tue, 11 Jan 2011 21:12:18 +0000 Chuck – it’s your neighbors, Barb & Kel, please let us know if you hear an update about the couple in the car. The horrific accident is still causing me to lose sleep.
I really wish there was something the City could do to force people to slow down when approaching that hill. Responding to these accidents in the middle of the night is traumatic and the deaths as a result are so tragic! Thx…

By: WSB Tue, 11 Jan 2011 05:58:10 +0000 In reply to nicole.

The hospital in Olympia? Anyway, if you know anyone from your friend’s family (or if anyone reading this is from the family of either victim), many people are concerned about how they are doing, and as I’ve said a few times here, it’s almost impossible to get information, but if someone doesn’t want to leave a comment, you are also welcome to e-mail us at, just so we can let people know how he/she/they are doing … thanks. TR

By: nicole Tue, 11 Jan 2011 05:38:07 +0000 One of these people is a friend of mine. I only know of his condition. He is now at St Peters. Broke his back, had surgrey and that is all I can say..

By: Chuck Tue, 11 Jan 2011 04:26:13 +0000 It would be nice to know that they survived.

By: WSB Tue, 11 Jan 2011 03:17:01 +0000 Chuck – as I tried to qualify, I am not 100% sure of what I wrote above, but I can add one bit of information – I just sat through the entire long recording of the cases that the medical examiner investigated over the last three days, which would have included any death through this morning … and there was no name/age/gender/city of death/cause of death case that resembled anything close to what would have been the result of either driver or passenger dying in this crash. But I will repeat my inquiry to police tomorrow – they should at least be able to check with the traffic investigation squad and say conclusively if someone had died or not. – TR

By: Chuck Tue, 11 Jan 2011 02:58:07 +0000 I was one of the first persons at the scene. I live at the intersection of 47th / Charlestown. This happened just outside my kitchen window. Neighbors and I were there before the police and medics arrived.
There was a nearly empty bottle of Jose Cuervo in the front seat of the vehicle. While I cannot verify that the driver was drinking, I believe it was highly likely.
In talking to the police at the scene they said he went off the top of the hill traveling at least 70 mph. The car was airborne almost all the way to the bottom of the hill, where it impacted first. It then rolled several times and impacted the telephone pole with the driver’s side of the vehicle.
I was told by a neighbor that a police officer at the scene told him the driver did pass away on Sunday. I cannot confirm this. I can tell you both of the occupants were in very serious condition at the scene and neither were responsive while we were waiting for the Police and medics. A very sad situation.
