month : 01/2011 351 results

West Seattle weather: Gatewood Elementary roof-leak trouble

Our slushy, soggy weather has caused trouble at one local school. According to Seattle Public Schools spokesperson Teresa Wippel, there were two roof leaks at city-landmark Gatewood Elementary this morning, and water affected five classrooms. Four of them are OK to use again, but the fifth – Room 18 – will require repairs, she says: “So children will be relocated from that room to another one (don’t know which one yet) for tomorrow.” The district estimates it’ll take a week to get Room 18 back in service. (Our archives reveal WSB visited that room on Inauguration Day two years ago.)

Update: Police shoot 2 dogs in West Seattle, 1 killed

(UPDATED 8:43 PM with new information from police – scroll down)

We’re in the south Admiral District, where the call “shots fired” crackled across the scanner a short time ago, after police responded to a home in the 3400 block of 44th SW (map). WSB’s Christopher Boffoli has talked with police – the presence at the scene includes precinct commander Capt. Steve Paulsen. It appears to have been a call involving dogs and at least one dog has apparently been shot. No word of any people being injured. Police were talking to two people at the home, including a woman who was clearly distraught. We don’t know at this point what brought police to the house in the first place. This is breaking and we’re still working on details. SPD is sending a public-information officer to the scene. It’s the second time in less than 2 weeks that a dog has been shot in a call involving West Seattle police – the last one involved a pit bull in Fauntleroy on New Year’s Eve. We have not confirmed the breed of the shot dog but at least one of the dogs involved was described as a pitbull on scanner traffic that we heard.

2:57 PM: Yes, the helicopter is related to this incident – channel 7 chopper. Still awaiting police-briefing info.

3:03 PM: From Christopher Boffoli, one of two WSB newspeople at the briefing: Police got the call 1:17 pm as a domestic disturbance. When they arrived, they heard a woman screaming inside the house. The door was unlocked and police went inside. The dogs charged officer, according to Det. Jeff Kappel, who says one dog was killed, one injured. A woman was taken into custody, suspected of misdemeanor domestic assault. Second dog is being treated. No confirmation on breeds. We’ll add video of the briefing once it’s processed.

3:47 PM: A few more details: Police believe the man and woman at the house are brother and sister. She was determined to be the “primary aggressor” in the disturbance – though neither she nor her brother was hurt – and that made it a “mandatory arrest” in terms of the original call, Det. Kappel says; she is to be booked into jail. He said after the “two large dogs” charged officers, one officer shot both. (briefing video in its entirety, added)

4:33 PM: Christopher took photos of the dog that survived, before it was taken to a clinic, and has just processed them. An animal-control officer arrived, and the dog was walking as it was taken away. But because you can see blood on its leg – the only sign that it was injured – we are putting the photo after a jump:

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Update: Garage fire on California Lane

(Fire and police units blocking the north end of California at California Lane)
If you saw/heard the sizable Seattle Fire Department response in North Admiral: WSB’s Christopher Boffoli says firefighters have tapped a garage fire in the 1000 block of California Lane (west of Hamilton Viewpoint – here’s a map). California is closed at that spot – the far north end – right now, but firefighters indicate it may not be closed much longer.

Steve Bushaw murder case: Today’s brief proceedings

We’re continuing to follow the case of the four people charged with murdering 26-year-old Steve Bushaw in The Junction two years ago. On Monday, just as the trial was about to begin with pre-jury-selection proceedings, one of the two alleged triggermen, 29-year-old Danny O’Neal, pleaded guilty to a reduced charge, second-degree murder. The official document from Monday’s hearing is now available, and there’s an update to O’Neal’s potential sentence: After prosecutors recommend the low end of the 123-220-month “standard range,” whatever the judge decides will have 60 months added to it for the “firearm enhancement,” meaning he faces a minimum of 15 years.

Meantime, the remaining three defendants, Bryce Huber, John Sylve, and Brandon Chaney – all still charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder – returned to court this morning. No additional plea bargains so far, prosecutor James Konat told Judge Joan DuBuque, but they are still in negotiations, and the lawyers asked for a few more days to keep talking. The judge gave them until Tuesday morning, which is when the pretrial proceedings will resume if there is no resolution to the case this week (next Monday is a holiday). It’s alleged that O’Neal and Sylve shot Bushaw after talking with Huber, who met up with him at Talarico’s that night and went outside with him just before the shooting; Chaney is the alleged getaway-car driver. The motive: Huber allegedly suspected Bushaw of involvement in a home-invasion robbery targeting a friend; police have said there was no evidence linking Bushaw to that case.

West Seattle Wednesday: Symphony for free; PCC open house …

The weather may be the talk of the town but there’s more on tap today. From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar: The free Seattle Symphony concert at South Seattle Community College, presented by the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, is tonight at 7 pm, more details herePCC Natural Markets‘ West Seattle store (WSB sponsor) is celebrating its remodeling project with a 2-6 pm open house this afternoon … The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s annual meeting luncheon is at 11:30, High Point Neighborhood Center … And the 34th District Democrats elect new officers tonight, The Hall at Fauntleroy, 7 pm – here’s who’s running.

West Seattle snow aftermath: Wednesday a.m. commute, schools…

(LAST UPDATE, 9:28 AM: Metro just returned to regular routing. No major road problems – but lots of puddling where snow is blocking drains. Forecast warns of urban flooding. Many schools delayed 1 or 2 hours; we are updating the list frequently – see below)

(Refresh for newest pic from WS Bridge [looking eastbound] and Junction; more cams on WSB Traffic page)
The melt-off is well under way. But many will still be affected this morning by the aftermath of last night’s snow:

FORECAST: An urban flooding advisory is in effect because of the melting snow and puddling water as rain continues. Breezy too.

BUSES: **Update, 9:28 am** – Metro has returned buses to regular routing … Sound Transit says Route 560 remains on a “modified snow reroute.” … 8:19 am note: Andy points out the 54 was delayed 10 mins by the low bridge opening for marine traffic.

SCHOOLS: Seattle Public Schools are opening 2 hours late, with buses running on *regular* bus routes (per 5:10 am robocall; read full SPS message on – and note this means a previously scheduled early release at Madison MS is ***canceled***) … South Seattle Community College in West Seattle is starting 2 hours late. … Holy Family School in White Center is starting 2 hours late. … Vashon public schools are 2 hours late. … Highline Public Schools, 1 hour lateWestside School starts at 9:30 amSeattle Lutheran High School starts at 10 amHope Lutheran School is 2 hours late … Kennedy High School starts at 10:30 am … Shorewood Christian starts at 10 am … NO CHANGES at West Seattle Montessori (we just called) or OLG Explorer West starts at 10 am … Community School of West Seattle is 1 hour late … Arbor Heights Co-op Preschool morning classes canceled … If you know of a school change we haven’t mentioned here yet, please let us know.

ROADS: Still no trouble reported (as of 6:28 am). Official report from SDOT at 4:43 am:

Two to six inches of wet snow accumulated on Seattle streets between 7 pm and 1:30 a.m. last night and this morning. This morning it is raining and the snow is mostly slush. The West Seattle Bridge and the Alaskan Way Viaduct as well as many arterial streets are bare and wet. Other streets have accumulations of slush and there is standing water in places. SDOT crews have been plowing major arterial streets in Seattle and continue to do so this morning, applying salt where needed to speed the melting of slush. …

More commute reports in the comments (thanks for sharing info!). (added) 9 am SDOT update:

Street Maintenance crews worked throughout the night clearing up to six inches of wet snow and slush from major arterial streets around the city. This morning crews are clearing slush that remains on some arterial streets, especially at the tops of hills. Also, more than 30 SDOT employees are clearing street corners in high priority areas such as around hospitals and in business districts.

SDOT asks drivers to use caution when driving where there is still slush on the roadway making the streets slippery, and to be on the lookout for standing water. Residents and businesspersons are asked to check the drains near their homes and businesses to make sure the drains are not blocked by debris so that water can enter easily. Also, residents and businesspersons are encouraged to clear slush from the sidewalks around their property to enable pedestrians to pass by safely.

TRASH/RECYCLING/YARD WASTE: E-mail from the city at 6:13 am says it’s on REGULAR SCHEDULE today, so if you have Wednesday pickup, put it out as usual. … Allied, though, has some changes.

WEST SEATTLE GOLF COURSE CLOSED: Per tweet from Seattle Parks, too much rain for golfing, too little snow for sledding.

More updates as we get them!

West Seattle’s short-lived snow: Video to remember it by

From Christopher Boffoli – Junction scenes comprising a West Seattle video souvenir of the short-lived Tuesday night (and a bit into Wednesday) snow.

Fauntleroy Community Association: Looking back, looking ahead

January 12, 2011 4:23 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news

Tuesday night’s snow started a little too late to affect the evening’s slate of community-group meetings. At the old Fauntleroy schoolhouse, the Fauntleroy Community Association looked back and looked ahead. More after the jump:Read More

West Seattle snow: Tuesday night road/weather updates

(11 PM TOPLINE: Trouble reported on many West Seattle hills; stalled buses reported, and Metro says all buses are on snow routes. Forecast still says this will switch to rain before you wake up tomorrow. Scroll down for newest info/pictures)

(Refresh for latest images: From left, ‘Walking on Logs’ area, WS Bridge east of 35th, west entrance ‘low bridge’)
8:08 PM: About half an inch of snow on the ground – and on cars (our unscientific measurement above) – in The Junction, where we just left a meeting:

By all accounts, including Facebook and Twitter, it’s snowing pretty much everywhere in West Seattle. En route back to HQ. Bill reports he just saw a salt truck go by at Marine View and 102nd. Keep the snow reports coming!

8:18 PM: Heading slowly southbound on California SW. Now south of The Junction – it’s sticking, albeit lightly and quite driveably so far, on California. The snow is still steady, but not falling that heavily.

8:34 PM: Made it back to HQ. Going up the California SW hill south of Morgan Junction was fine – as long as you drive slowly – the usual snow advice for hills. Meantime, Richard e-mails to say that even by the water, Brace Point area, there’s up to about half an inch on the ground. From High Point, Jennifer tweeted this photo of her dogs out in the snow (Jessie and JoJo):

From Puget Ridge via Facebook, Christina says about an inch of snow has fallen:

No recent forecast updates, but within an hour or so we should hear what the National Weather Service thinks about the prospects this will progress the way most had predicted, with rain arriving overnight.

9:07 PM UPDATE: Added traffic cameras at the top of this item – and a photo immediately above, looking down at Jefferson Square entrance on 42nd, via Twitter from Cindy. Also getting an update on Junction conditions, from Christopher Boffoli: “1-2 inches on the ground here now. No evidence this section of Cali has been salted. People fishtailing and spinning out. Traffic is actually pretty heavy too. Every bus I’ve seen has had chains. They seem to be OK.” That coincides with an advisory just in from SDOT, saying they’re “transitioning to plowing roads.” Also a note from our snow-country-raised co-publisher, who’s heading uphill from lower Fauntleroy: This is “dry” snow.

9:26 PM UPDATE: Co-publisher reports people stuck and spinning out on the California SW hill south of Morgan Junction (as does Kae via comments) and sent this photo:

We also have a report of bus trouble – two of them – on SW Barton in Westwood/Roxhill area – thanks to Dana for this view:

9:49 PM UPDATE: More photos coming in. First, Trick caught this screen grab from one of the SDOT cameras we have “live” atop this story – the “Walking on Logs” spot alongside the southwestbound Fauntleroy end of the West Seattle Bridge – he points out the salt/sand truck!

And from Charles, a look along Avalon, toward SW Yancy (and WSB sponsor Stor-More) on the east side of the street:

Meantime, via Twitter, @reallowvibe warns that the Admiral hill is trouble now too. Again, just about every hill should be avoided right now, unless you happen to have seen a plow. It’s still snowing steadily out there, and the wind direction has not changed in the direction that would portend this ending any time soon. And from Cindi on the SW Morgan hill between 35th SW and Morgan Junction – “From the top of the hill, I’ve already seen cars going down have serious problems, it’s very slick. A police car was spinning his wheels going up – that was about an hour ago.”

10 PM UPDATE: Metro says all buses are now on snow routes. National Weather Service still promises rain by the time you wake up tomorrow:


10:31 PM UPDATE: Two video clips in from WSB’ers – top, that’s Alex’s view of The Bridge from the west; next, a view from Fairmount:

Snowflakes are getting bigger here, which our resident snow expert says means the snow’s getting wetter – which would have to happen before the predicted turn-to-rain …

11 PM UPDATE: That photo from Keva shows a plow just south of The Junction. We’ve also heard about a plow sighting in the Alki area. Plus, another bus problem – the westbound 56 reported stalled atop the eastern Admiral Way hill, around 37th and Admiral.

11:25 PM UPDATE: Before the snow makes way for rain – there’s a fun photo – Laura Matheson says her kids Julia and Rebecca were ready to start building a snowman as of about 9 pm, with two inches by then on “High Point Hill.” Looking outside, we seem to have between 2″ and 3″ here in Upper Fauntleroy, but sleet is starting to creep in with the snow – you can hear the precipitation now, and pure snow is usually fairly quiet. But we all saw some, even Beach Drive, where Linda Ann took this photo:

The major concern we’ll be watching for the morning commute … how fast will this all wash away? SDOT’s been working hard on the West Seattle Bridge, so even if there’s still snow around your house, there’s some hope the major commute routes will be OK in the morning.

12:47 AM: We’ll be starting an overnight report shortly, to cover the hours till the morning commute. Meantime, lots of plow and sander activity here by headquarters – have heard the trucks go by numerous times. And a few more photos to share – thanks to SA for Alki’s Lady Liberty, the frosted version, above. (added) We caught one of the plows westbound on Thistle to northbound California; it continued to work California, back and forth, even the non-arterial section south of California, for a while thereafter:

West Seattle snow watch: NOW it’s snowing

(7:56 PM TOPLINES: NOW it’s snowing notably … will start another update soon, adding some visuals below)

3:38 PM: We’re now kicking off our afternoon “snow or no?” coverage. Above, the snowplow that SDOT has “pre-positioned” in West Seattle, parked at 38th/Alaska when we caught up with it a little while ago. SDOT says it’s ready, WSDOT says (for state highways) it’s ready, Metro Transit says it’s ready.

(Refresh for latest pic from WS Bridge camera, looking eastbound, and Junction cam, more on the WSB Traffic cams page)
3:55 PM UPDATE: Here are the school changes we published earlier. West Seattle Little League president Mark Terao just e-mailed to say tonight’s registration session is CANCELED, because of Seattle Public Schools (there’s another session set for next Tuesday, January 18). Seattle Parks, meantime, says community centers and pools are operating **normally** until and unless weather requires a change in that decision. One event cancellation so far: nrg day spa‘s Grand Opening is postponed till Thursday night, during the West Seattle Art Walk.

4:09 PM UPDATE: Weather analyst Cliff Mass is about to release his “nowcast” – but for starters says, “Nothing is happening right now. No need to rush home, or anywhere else.” (Added) It’s out. He says nothing imminent for at least two hours in the metro area:

Bottom line: you don’t have to rush anywhere if you are living in western Washington. No imminent significant snow for next two hours. The satellite suggests a more intense band offshore that would come in during the evening…but can’t be sure. At the same time it is warming aloft as we speak. Stay at work. Enjoy happy hour. WSDOT doesn’t need to be concerned about a rush-hour mess.

4:43 PM UPDATE: Metro is chaining buses, still just as a precaution. One more cancellation: West Seattle Community Orchestras’ rehearsals/meetings tonight.

5:24 PM UPDATE: The weather’s still calm, at least here in the city. A smattering of snow reports elsewhere – such as Bellingham, Whidbey Island, Hoquiam. Forecasters still say we’ll see some, at some point, but are sticking to the “rain by very early morning.”

A few flakes were falling as we left Fauntleroy bound for a meeting in The Junction, but they stopped mid-Gatewood. Keep us posted with what you are seeing – or not seeing – where you are. (added a few minutes later) Via Facebook and Twitter, we’re getting snow reports from most spots around West Seattle – except, so far, at sea level.

7:56 PM UPDATE: Snowing notably in The Junction. Will add a photo in a moment. Will start a new story soon, too.

West Seattle’s Crime Prevention Coordinator Benjamin Kinlow retiring

He’s been with the Seattle Police Department more than 30 years – and now, he’s about to leave. “I’ve been around for a while,” Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Benjamin Kinlow acknowledged, understated as always, while confirming to WSB that he’s decided to retire. His is a civilian position, not investigating crimes, but rather working with the community to help their crime-prevention effort – setting up Block Watches, registering Night Out parties, briefing community groups, offering crime-prevention advice. We talked with him this afternoon by phone; he says, “I can hardly imagine life without working” – but he expects to stay busy, with two grandchildren, volunteering activities, and potentially some “private-sector” interests. He also has words of thanks for WSB’ers who’ve taken an intense interest in crime prevention and information-sharing (including our ongoing Crime Watch reports). While the department cut some coordinator positions this year, and made changes last year that added a second precinct to Kinlow’s responsibilities, he stresses it was his own decision to retire. His last day will be March 15; we are checking with precinct leadership to find out how prevention will be handled after his departure.

Delridge Skatepark: Officially out to re-bid; SPAC airs frustrations

As previewed here last week, the re-bidding process for Delridge Skatepark is officially open today – the city is advertising for bidders starting today, and will open the bids on February 2nd. Skatepark construction is estimated to cost about half a million dollars. The Delridge project – planned for the greenspace north of Delridge Community Center, at the northwest corner of Delridge and Genesee (photo above, with tags blurred) – was the first topic for the citywide Skatepark Advisory Committee last night. After noting that the project was about to go out for re-bidding, committee members discussed their frustration with the way the first bidding process ended – the low bidder didn’t meet the qualifications that were developed with SPAC input, but instead of then automatically giving the contract to the 2nd-lowest bidder, which was associated with the local company, Grindline, that designed the park, Parks management decided to rewrite the qualifications. One big frustration for committee members, particularly chair Ryan Barth and West Seattle’s Matthew Lee Johnston (who elaborates on the frustrations in this new post at, was the fact that the city could not legally send the project out for a design/build bid; Parks staffer Susan Golub explained state law prevents that. Barth and Johnston wondered how to push for a change in that law – while noting that could take years, and more skateparks will be built in the meantime. (Delridge is one of five citywide slated for construction this year – “The Year of the Skatepark,” Barth dubbed it before adjourning the meeting.)

West Seattle freebie of the day: Heads, free to a good home

Longtime WSB sponsor Illusions Hair Design is trying to get someone to take these mannequin heads off their hands. We saw their tweet from a few days ago – “We don’t want these to end up in a landfill!” – and asked if they’d mind us mentioning it here; they said, mention away! Call 206-938-3675 if you want one or more. (Same number to book “Have a Heart Day” appointments – Feb. 13th haircuts benefiting charity – BTW.)

3:37 PM NOTE: In case you haven’t seen this in the comments, Illusions tweeted that the heads have all been spoken for. “Recycling” at its best!

4 committees for West Seattle’s new state Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon

January 11, 2011 1:19 pm
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In case you’ve wondered what your newest state legislator will be focusing on – a news release that just came in announces that 34th District State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon will serve on the Environment, Transportation, Local Government, and General Government Appropriations and Oversight committees. From the announcement: “The House Environment Committee is new this session, and works on issues including Puget Sound, state parks, and climate change.” The current legislative session started Monday and is scheduled to end April 24th.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Afterschool cancellation updates

1:01 PM: Just in from Seattle Public Schools via robocall – all afterschool activities are canceled for today because of the potentially snowy weather. That includes “afterschool-activity transportation.” You can hear the announcement here. (If you know of any private-school changes, please send word and we’ll add that info here too – thanks!)

2:02 PM UPDATE: Just in: “Westside School [WSB sponsor]has cancelled today’s after school classes and childcare due to potentially hazardous weather conditions. PreK & Kindergarten children will be dismissed at 2:45 and grades 1-5 will be dismissed at 3:15.” Also, via Twitter, Seattle Lutheran High School says its basketball game vs. Bear Creek is canceled.

Milestone for new South Park Bridge: Project goes out to bid

(King County rendering of new South Park Bridge design)
Three months after government and community leaders gathered by the west end of the old South Park Bridge to announce funding was in place for a new one, another milestone – the project has gone out to bid. It was officially advertised today. The bidding documents list the “engineer’s estimate” cost at $98 million to $108 million, with this included:

Scope of Work: This project provides for the replacement of South Park Bridge over the Duwamish Waterway in King County by constructing a new drawbridge (bascule) downriver and approximately parallel to the existing South Park Bridge, intersection improvements, roadway, drainage, and utility construction, approach spans and retaining wall construction, riverbank mitigation, incorporation of historic and art elements, illumination with decorative luminaires, demolition of the remaining portion of the existing bridge, and other work …

Bids are to be opened March 8th.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Newest forecast still says ‘snow’

(Stopped at Myrtle Reservoir Park just before noon – only snow in view was on the distant Cascades)
10:12 AM: If you’re at work outside West Seattle and wondering what’s happening back home – so far, no flakes, the clouds are high, temps in the mid-30s. The National Weather Service is out with its midmorning “forecast discussion” and says things are on track for snow, not lasting too long, but maybe a little later than originally expected:



Translation: Z is universal time, which is currently 8 hours ahead of Seattle time – so 00-03Z for snow arrival is 4-7 pm, 09-12Z for switchover to rain is 1 am-4 am.

11:07 AM: Still flakeless. The Olympics are even visible. Cliff Mass is out with his latest analysis – and promising a “nowcast” at 4 pm in hopes that’ll help you decide what to do.

12:10 PM: Even a sunbreak, a few minutes ago. But don’t get complacent. SDOT has sent out an advisory about what steps it’s taken, along with a reminder:

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) stands ready to take on snow later this afternoon, keeping roads open, buses moving and critical emergency services accessible. Current predictions are for one to three inches of snow falling between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m., followed by rain with the potential for icing during the transition period.

Last night, SDOT pre-treated all elevated structures and certain trouble spots on major arterials with salt brine. The department also treated sidewalks on bridges and pedestrian bridges yesterday. SDOT will continue its preparatory work by pre-treating the remaining portions of the snow route network today. By early afternoon Tuesday, the department will have 30 plows and four flusher trucks prepositioned throughout the city in key locations in advance of the storm’s predicted onset.

Motorists are advised to use caution when driving in snow and ice, especially on Seattle’s many hills and bridges. For up-to-date information on the City’s response and roadway conditions, please visit: Motorists can also check on current traffic conditions and roadway images on SDOT’s Traveler’s Map at:

As a reminder, property owners are responsible for clearing sidewalks adjacent to their properties after a snowstorm. SDOT encourages residents and businesses to have snow shovels and materials on-hand to keep walkways clear and safe for pedestrians.

Bryan Brenner DDS: Welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor

Today we welcome one of our newest WSB sponsors, Bryan Brenner DDS, located at 10254 16th Ave. SW (map) next to the licensing agency in Dormer Plaza. New WSB sponsors get the opportunity to tell you about themselves; here’s what Dr. Brenner would like you to know:

A beautiful smile is taken for granted by those who already have one. Your smile can change the way you present yourself to the world and the manner in which you are perceived. About a year and a half ago, Dr. Brenner and his wife Cheryl (pictured with daughter Charlotte) moved from the Midwest to the Pacific Northwest after falling in love with Seattle. Dr. Brenner opened his family-friendly practice with the belief that a visit to the dentist does not have to be intimidating. Patients are encouraged to ask any and every dental question they have during their visits. Dr. Brenner specializes in family and cosmetic dentistry, which includes whitening, Invisalign, veneers, dentures, porcelain crowns and bridges, root canals, Cerec one-visit crowns and the planning and restoration of implants. He also provides free well-baby checks for children of his patients (6 months – 5 years) so that the children become accustomed to visiting the dentist. Bryan Brenner DDS is offering a $150 Macy’s gift card to all new patients after the completion of their comprehensive exam, cleaning, and X-rays. Dr. Brenner would also like new patients to know that they he will gladly donate that same $150 to WestSide Baby in lieu of the gift card. Find out more information online at or by visiting Bryan Brenner DDS on Facebook. If you have questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please call 206-762-2573.

We thank Bryan Brenner DDS for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

West Seattle Tuesday: ‘Snow after 4 pm’ forecast; scheduled events

“Snow after 4 pm” is the latest prediction by forecasters from the National Weather Service – which has a “winter weather advisory” in effect – to TV. We will of course be tracking whatever happens, throughout the day/night – but just in case the forecasts don’t pan out, take note that there’s a lot on the schedule tonight – second Tuesday of the month is the busiest night for community groups’ meetings: An update on Metro’s much-discussed West Seattle RapidRide Line C is scheduled for Junction Neighborhood Organization, Fairmount Community Association, and West Seattle Junction Association members – and anyone else interested – at 6:30 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle; then at 7 pm, it’s meeting time for Fauntleroy Community Association (old schoolhouse) and Admiral Neighborhood Association (lower-level meeting room at Admiral Congregational Church). … West Seattle Little League plans in-person signups 6-8:30 pm at West Seattle High School Library (more details here) … A poetry-critiquing workshop with members of poetrybridge is scheduled at High Point Library, 6-7:45 pm (call the branch to register, 206-684-7454) … More on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar; if weather conditions lead to any changes or postponements, we’ll have the latest here as well as via Twitter and Facebook. (WSB file photo by Ellen Cedergreen, from SDOT media briefing last November)

West Seattle coyotes: Sighting in The Junction

Quick note about a pre-dawn coyote sighting today, from David:

Just saw a coyote running south down California turning east on Edmunds, 5:45 am – it looked to be moving as fast as it could go.

We have three years (and counting) of coyote sightings archived here.

Harbor Properties to develop another West Seattle Triangle site

As their new mixed-use development Link nears completion a few blocks away, Harbor Properties has revealed it’s in the early stages of planning to develop another site they own in The Triangle – the southeast corner of 36th and Snoqualmie (map). As shown in our photo taken around dusk tonight, the site’s currently a parking lot; Harbor’s Emi McKittrick says it’s been used by Link workers by day, overflow from the kitty-corner West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor) by night. She says Harbor does not have a specific plan yet, but has applied to “get a place in line” for Early Design Guidance, expecting it’ll be a few months before a meeting is scheduled, and they’ll rough something out by then. She says Harbor thinks the site could hold about 60 residential units, but isn’t sure whether the development should be entirely residential, or include retail – community comments are welcome, and they plan to start talking to Triangle-area neighbors about their thoughts.

If you’re familiar with the area, you know this is immediately north of the soon-to-be-remodeled Seattle West Inn and Suites property, which Harbor was once planning to buy. Though that deal was never completed, and the motel instead was bought by other area property owners, Harbor retained ownership of 36th/Snoqualmie (and also owns a small parcel near Link where its construction trailer has been headquartered; McKittrick says that will become a playground for the Bright Horizons child-care center that will be opening at Link in May).

Triangle side note: Reminder that 3 local groups are scheduled to meet jointly tomorrow night for updates and Q/A on the upcoming RapidRide bus service, including its Triangle route, which has drawn concern over potential parking loss and other issues: 6:30 pm Tuesday, Senior Center of West Seattle.

North Delridge Neighborhood Council: From P-Patches to promotion

From tonight’s North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting at Delridge Library, two major topics – solving P-Patch challenges, and promoting the neighborhood. Our summaries, after the jump:Read More

Update: Doors open at West Seattle’s newest business, Locöl

It’s opening night at West Seattle’s new beer/wine bar (and eatery) Locöl, as noted here last week. Before things got busy, WSB contributor Ellen Cedergreen stopped by to photograph the team at mid-afternoon (they opened at noon and will be open till 2 am, the regular hours, 7 days a week): Above, that’s Chef Meredith Abbott between business partners Shane Whittall and Kyle Duce. Chef Meredith’s resumé includes lauded mobile restaurant Skillet, so she says she’s used to cooking in cozy spaces. We outlined their kickoff menu (and what’s on tap) in our Friday preview; the chef says she’ll change soups and sandwiches monthly, and will have a board out to note specials, especially in summer. The commitment to locally procured vegetables and fruit includes West Seattle Produce as well as High Point Market Garden/P-Patch. The year-plus effort to get Locöl finished and opened brought out some far-flung support for opening day/night:

That’s Shane serving some of the afternoon crowd – including a friend of Kyle’s who flew up all the way from Irvine, California, to be here for the official opening. Locol is at 7902 35th SW (map), between Kenyon Hall and Sharon’s Westwood Florist.