About 15 people gathered at West Seattle’s Chelan CafĂ© to plot the next steps in the search for 24-year-old Jeremy Peck, last seen in the early-morning hours of December 24th. Among them, in the next photo L to R, a longtime friend of Jeremy’s, Ben Doty, who graduated West Seattle High School with him in 2005, and Jeremy’s birth father Stephan Peck:

Though Jeremy was raised by his uncle John Peck, Stephan came to West Seattle more than a week ago to help search for him; tomorrow he has to go home to Wenatchee.
“I am trying to think positive about this. But, sometimes, I … I’d just like him to come home. Or just show up anywhere.”
And Jeremy could be anywhere at this point. Parks have been checked, it was noted at the meeting, like Schmitz Park and Me-Kwa-Mooks, but volunteers acknowledge they could use more coordination. WSB contributor Deanie Schwarz, covering the meeting, reports that they say only one or two people were covering each of these areas; they feel as if they need to search all of them again with many more people scouring the brush and hillsides. “We’re not professionally trained and the areas are so vast, and some are steep hills … We need somebody to coordinate those search efforts,” Doty said.
If you can help with that, look for signup sheets at this Sunday’s vigil (starting at 4:30 outside Admiral Pub, where Jeremy was reported to have last been seen).
Also in the works, an account (at Wells Fargo) where money can be donated for the search efforts, which have now grown into an operation with its own checklists – flyers, banners, posters, a lawyer (to get cell-phone records made public), search dogs, private detective, psychic. And they’re working to set up a website where information will be available as well as a PayPal account for donations, in addition to the “Find Jeremy Peck” Facebook page.
If you’ve missed the original coverage or need a reminder: Jeremy is 6’2″, about 177 pounds, has medium brown hair and brown eyes, and was last seen wearing blue jeans, tennis shoes, and a black waist length coat over a gray hoodie sweatshirt.
An anonymous tip line has been created for anyone with information: 206-478-4905.
ADDED MIDDAY WEDNESDAY: The group has sent an official news release about Sunday’s vigil – after the jump:
This Sunday evening from 4:30 P.M to 6:30 P.M., family, friends and neighbors of Jeremy Peck will gather for an awareness and action vigil. The event will take place in front of the Admiral Pub (2306 California Avenue Southwest Seattle, WA 98116-2403) and will transition over the Hiawatha Playfield (2700 California Ave SW Seattle, WA 98116-2451) in the event that we have an over-flow issue. We estimate between 100 and 250 attendees (reasons for estimates are below in the Current Support section), depending on weather primarily.
At the vigil attendees will have an opportunity to get involved by making a donation, or by signing up on a volunteer list to do one of the following: distribute/post flyers and leaflets, plan fundraising events, do physical searches or anything else that may be useful in our search for Jeremy.
We will have a memory board of pictures of Jeremy over the years that everyone can view. Attendees are welcome to bring copies of their pictures of Jeremy to add.
Guests are encouraged to dress warm and bring their own candles. Some candles will be made available by organizers.
Jeremy was last seen at the Admiral Pub in West Seattle, WA at 1:00 am the night before Christmas Eve. He was wearing blue jeans, a black waist-length coat over a gray hooded sweatshirt. Jeremy is 24, has brown hair and brown eyes. He’s 6’1”, 177 pounds.
If anyone has any information we urge them to Call: 911, the anonymous tip-line: (206)478-4905 OR John Peck (Jeremy’s Uncle): (206)371-6451
There is currently a $1500 reward for any information that leads to a resolution in this matter. If anyone would like to pledge additional funds for the reward they can contact John Peck at (206)371-6451.
Current Support:
The Facebook event page for the Vigil (which was created only four days ago) already has 64 people that confirmed they are coming, plus 26 that said maybe. Link to our event FB page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php/event.php?eid=192478740762325
The “FIND JEREMY PECK” Facebook page (active for less than two weeks) already has 268 likes and a lot of interaction with over 2000 daily post views. Link to our “FIND JEREMY PECK” FB page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php/pages/Find-Jeremy-Peck/170680416307894
We also anticipate many people that are not an intricate part of the online community. We’ve made an effort to contact these people, however due to the urgency of the situation we’ve had to rely on word of mouth.
We’re a group of family and close friends of Jeremy Peck that are working towards finding Jeremy. The group has been growing each day. We went from five of us at our planning meeting this past Saturday to close to 20 at the meeting last night. The group unites under one common goal, finding Jeremy.