West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
That’s West Seattle’s newest coffee stand – Portside Coffee Company (6720 West Marginal Way; map – that’s near the Subway and commercial fueling station), open for business as of today. Portside serves, appropriately enough given its exterior, Silver Cup Coffee. Hours: 4:30 am-2 pm Mondays-Fridays, 8 am-noon Saturdays, closed Sundays. (By our count, it’s the fourth West Seattle drive-thru, after Red Cup in The Junction, West Bay on Harbor Ave, and Starbucks in The Triangle.)
Two items of note when the Seattle School Board meets Wednesday night for the first time this year: First, the next steps in the district’s transition from “school choice” to a neighborhood-based Student Attendance Plan – with the board scheduled to review and vote on many more details regarding how it’s going to work starting this fall. Second, other agenda items include the approval of the second part of the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse purchase deal – as first reported here in September, the Fauntleroy Community Service Agency is using $1.1 million in additional state funding to buy more of the site, beyond the first $1.8 million deal for the schoolhouse itself and 32,000 square feet in the playground/parking lot area. Here’s the full agenda for Wednesday night; the board meeting starts at 6 pm at district HQ in SODO (map).
It’s not on the city website last time we checked but a news release came in from Mayor Mike McGinn‘s office in the hours before his ceremonial swearing-in (which you should be able to watch live via Seattle Channel in about 10 minutes) – he’s making moves to tighten the financial reins on city bureaucracy – with possible job cuts to come. Read on for the announcement (plus a 5:31 pm addition – other info sent today regarding mayoral staff salaries and org chart):Read More
We’re back at King County Council chambers downtown, where we spent seven hours three weeks ago, the night councilmembers kept deadlocking on who to appoint to the council seat (representing West Seattle, White Center, Vashon among other areas) left open when Dow Constantine became County Executive. The meeting is scheduled to start at any time; we’ll publish updates as they happen – once it starts, you also should be able to watch live on cable TV or online (here’s the link). As happened three weeks ago, a contingent from the 34th District Democrats (photo above) is here to show support for State Sen. Joe McDermott; he too is here. More as it happens; here’s our running coverage from the meeting three weeks ago. 11:28 AM UPDATE: The meeting just started. 11:48 AM: Chair Bob Ferguson says the item will be held till this afternoon – last item on the agenda – and that means after the lunch break they’re about to take. 11:55 AM: The afternoon meeting is scheduled to start at 1:30 pm; we expect to report other news between now and then, so we will start a new item once the meeting resumes. 1:36 PM: We’re back in the council chambers and the meeting has yet to restart. 1:56 PM: The meeting has resumed. The appointment is the last item. We still expect to start a new item atop the page when that discussion begins.
BACK TO SCHOOL! Winter break’s over.
TRAFFIC ALERT: If you drive through SODO, reminder that several major traffic alerts kick in today – here’s the heads-up we published last week.
NEW COUNTY COUNCILMEMBER? Three weeks ago, we reported live as the County Council spent 7 hours deciding not to decide (then) who will fill the remaining almost-year of County Executive Dow Constantine‘s former council term (representing West Seattle, White Center, Vashon, and some turf north and south). When they meet at 11 this morning, they’re expected to try again. Here’s what the Seattle Times (WSB partner) says could happen. The agenda’s here; watch live online here.
NEW CITY LEADERS: It’s inauguration day for Mayor Mike McGinn, City Attorney Pete Holmes, City Councilmembers Mike O’Brien and Sally Bagshaw (and re-swearing-in for returning Councilmembers Richard Conlin and Nick Licata). It’s all at City Hall, 2 pm, followed by a public reception around 3. Watch live online at seattlechannel.org.
WEST SEATTLE HI-YU FESTIVAL MEETING: Last meeting (WSB coverage here), Hi-Yu members chose the 2010 float theme, “Dreams Do Come True.” Tonight – 6:30 pm at St. John the Baptist Church Fellowship Hall – they’re scheduled to choose the 2010 button design.
NEW NIGHT FOR TRIVIA AT CHRISTO’S ON ALKI: Tom Hutyler, also known as the voice of Safeco Field, sends word that Christo’s on Alki has moved the Trivia Night he hosts back to Mondays, as of tonight, 7 pm. (Other West Seattle trivia spots include Feedback Lounge [music @ 8 pm Tuesdays] and Skylark [6:45 pm Wednesdays], both WSB sponsors, and Beveridge Place Pub [8 pm Wednesdays].)
Even more happening today – see the WSB West Seattle Events calendar!
By Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
“Congratulations! You have Breast Cancer…” is the headline of the first entry in Lisa Town’s online diary “The C Word,” which she started in September 2008.
Irreverence, combined with physical and mental strength and a strong network of support, has brought Lisa to where she is today — a place of well-being, health and optimism. And now her biggest supporter is taking a big step to help others get to the place she’s reached – a fundraising climb that can use your support.
But first, more of Lisa’s story: After a lifetime of health challenges, her diagnosis of breast cancer at the relatively young age of 43, followed by a double mastectomy in February of last year, seemed both “routine, yet surprising. I thought I was done with all that. I kept looking around for cameras, wondering if I was on a reality tv show.”
Three beachside scenes to share as the weekend ends – First, thanks to Colby for sharing the rainbow sighted at Lincoln Park, by Colman Pool. Next, while strolling Alki this afternoon, we spotted what appeared to be a wise and patient cat:
And a bit further south along Alki, the signs are up for the future pho restaurant we first told you about in October:
(We’ll check soon on the cafe’s progress toward opening.)
(Photo courtesy LE Baskow)
The former Admiral Benbow Inn (4210 Admiral Way) is continuing to take shape as the Heartland Cafe – as reported here in October. Tonight, in addition to the photo of the new exterior touches, we have two notes from co-owner Jay Wergin. First, the latest answers to the most common questions (“when are you opening” and “what are you serving”):
Opening date? We still need to install a kitchen and build a bar… minor complications. Outside of that, the inside is transforming into an artsy, campy style …like no other seen in this area. As it has been announced that we will be serving ‘Midwestern Comfort Food’ we would love to hear from the West Seattle Blog readers, what they hope to find on the menu that translates into ‘Midwestern Comfort Food’.
Jay’s a Wisconsin native and mentioned a few food examples the first time we heard from him, but that’s just the start. So what do YOU think “Midwestern Comfort Food” means? Add a comment with your thoughts! He also has posted in the WSB Forums with an even-more-specific request — he’s looking for old photos from the Admiral Benbow’s heyday.
E-mail from Orca Network says J-Pod was spotted near Maury Island just before 1 pm, heading slowly north close to the Vashon side of central Puget Sound. The note adds, “NOAA Fisheries is heading out to try to get some fecal & fish scale samples – please let us know if you see the whales so we can help guide the researchers toward the whales – call us at 1-866-ORCANET – thanks!” (And keep us posted so we can share progress here and on Twitter and Facebook.) 2:13 PM: Just got a call they’ve been seen from Three Tree Point (here’s a map; a comment’s come in to that effect, too). Heading down to look from here!
3:32 PM UPDATE: Latest report puts them still south of Fauntleroy.
4:36 PM UPDATE: Whales passing Blake Island right now, still closer to the west side of the Sound.
4:54 PM UPDATE: As they say in sports, “called for darkness” (plus it’s starting to rain). Thanks to Donna from The Whale Trail, who says the view was best when they were off Marine View Drive/Arroyos, for letting us have a peek through her serious-sized binoculars toward the end of our stakeout at Emma Schmitz Viewpoint south of Me-Kwa-Mooks, and thanks to Janette from Seal Sitters for joining us on orca watch too. (Look for some seal pix/news later tonight.) Also thanks to WSB photojournalist Christopher Boffoli, who was also out on orca stakeout too, but they just didn’t get close enough. And thanks to everyone who commented, texted, called, tweeted with info. Next time maybe they’ll be closer to this side!
ORIGINAL 11:46 AM REPORT: New information on how to help Jade West Cafe owner Wah Wong, badly hurt when a driver hit him and his wife and son outside their Beacon Hill home December 12 (as reported here December 19). “Family Friend” added the following as a comment last night on our most recent update:
The family has set up an account at Wells Fargo Bank. Anyone who wants to help Wah Wong and his family can visit any Wells Fargo branch and make a donation in the name of “Jade West Cafe”. The family thanks everyone for their support.
(There are two Wells Fargo branches in West Seattle – 2358 California SW and 4314 SW Alaska.) Other WSB’ers pointed out in the same comment thread that two TV stations, 5 and 13, did followups last night; neither has its video online as of this writing. We have a note out to “Family Friend” to see if there’s any more info to share. Meantime, there are now two get-well cards on the door of the cafe (6032 California SW). The driver charged with vehicular assault for hitting the Wong family, Rodney James, has been in jail since the night it happened, bail set at $250,000. (Photo of Wah Wong at Jade West Cafe, taken in early 2009 by Paul Sureddin) ADDED 1:53 PM: Wah Wong’s wife has asked us to share this message with well-wishers:
On behalf of my family, I would like to thank everyone in the West Seattle Community who have sent their support, prayers and well wishes to my husband, Wah and son, Jason who were seriously injured on December 12, 2009. They are both stable at this time and will receive surgeries in the coming week at Harborview Medical Center. We appreciate your continued outpouring of support and care.
Salina Wong
5:36 PM UPDATE: The KING5 story is now available online, including the story video – see it here.
Been a while since the last coyote sighting. Just got a text that two are currently “roaming backyards” in Gatewood, 3600 block of Webster/Othello (map) – and the tipster says one appeared to have killed a cat (black with white paw) – so if you’re in the area, might be a good idea to round up your pet(s) for a while. (P.S. As shared in the comments, here’s the state’s Living With Wildlife advice regarding coyotes; also, you can browse 2 1/2 years of WSB coyote-sighting coverage, with many photos, by starting here.)
That WSB clip is from our coverage one year ago today, when hundreds gathered in West Seattle to celebrate the grand opening of the Duwamish Tribe‘s long-awaited Longhouse and Cultural Center. The longhouse is closed Sundays, so you can’t go offer an anniversary greeting in person today, but an official anniversary-celebration open house is now scheduled for January 30th, 11 am-5 pm (more on that, plus other upcoming events, is at the tribe’s website). Regular hours are Mondays-Saturdays, 10 am-5 pm. One other note – we’ve fielded a lot of questions in the WSB Forums lately about local venues available for rental; browsing the tribe’s website reminds us that the longhouse is available for rental too; rates and other info can be seen here.
(Saturday afternoon iPhone photo from Chas Redmond)
This end-of-holidays weekend was so quiet, post-New Year’s Eve, there wasn’t even enough going on for a full West Seattle Weekend Lineup. But with school resuming tomorrow, and many people due back to work after the classic Christmas-to-New-Year’s vacation, today we’ve got a full slate of options – food, drink, music, peace among them:
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: The Ripe ‘n’ Ready list says what’s new this week includes Pickled Wild Sockeye Salmon and Cold Smoked Wild Coho Salmon Lox from Loki Fish Company (on Twitter at @lokifishco). See the full list here; wander the market at 44th/Alaska, 10 am-2 pm; watch for same-day bulletins from market management, tweeting at @NFMASeattle.
SING IT: A choral cantata is the center of the 10:30 am service at Peace Lutheran Church in Gatewood (39th/Thistle).
MAKE NO BONES ABOUT IT: Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) is gaining increasing fame for Tony’s Southside Ribs on Sundays – 5 pm “until they run out.” 6451 California SW; The Feedback opens at 11:30 am Sundays (and every day) and is on Twitter at @feedbacklounge.
WEST SEATTLE NEIGHBORS FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE: They’re the folks you see at the anti-war vigil in The Junction every Sunday at noon, and tonight’s their monthly meeting, all welcome, 5 pm at Alki UCC Church (61st/Hinds), followed by 6 pm potluck. Online: groups.snowcoalition.org/westseattle.
ALL-AGES LIVE MUSIC AT SKYLARK: Sunday nights, the under-21s can stay and play at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) – music starts at 7 pm tonight with Minor Dissonance, then at 8 Shanta, and at 9 Vigilante Santos plays. 3803 Delridge. (Full calendar here; p.s., long before music time, Skylark opens 9 am today for brunch – check out the menu here; Skylark’s on Twitter at @skylarkcafe.)
Siobhan first reported this tonight as a comment on another story but has since sent the photo you see at left, along with details: The red Dodge Neon Sport with a trunk fin and Idaho plate 1G55739 was stolen very early New Year’s Day from a carport behind an apartment building by Pizza Hut on the SW corner of 35th/Morgan (map). Siobhan adds, “The back bumper has two Scottish stickers on it. One is the St. Andrew’s Cross and the other is an Oval with a St. Andrews Cross the letters SCO and the Rampant Lion. It also had a Jolly Roger License Plate in the back window. If anyone sees it PLEASE have them call 911.. it has already been reported stolen so it’s in the Police System on their ‘Hot List’.” And a side note – a minivan stolen from Georgetown the same morning was found in the alley nearby (its owner had arrived to pick it up); Siobhan says the speculation is that the thief or thieves ditched it and took the Neon – which police have said before (see this report from October) is not unusual.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Quite the crowd inside West Seattle Kids Salon in Morgan Junction this morning to watch three Sanislo Elementary School fourth-graders get their hair cut. Here’s the “before” shot:
What made their haircuts newsworthy – a KING5 photojournalist was there too – was the fact the hair’s going to Locks of Love, to make wigs for kids who need hair.
The extra twist, revealed in the “after” shot: All that shining long hair belonged to boys!
From left, that’s 9-year-old Baxter Knannlein, 9-year-old Levi Erdman, and 10-year-old Abraham Allen-White. And before we get to the haircutting, here’s the proud crowd who cheered them on (literally, as you’ll hear in the haircut clips):
The boys say they have been growing their hair since March 2008. (Abe and Baxter admit they might have had a bit of a trim along the way.) They’ve been friends since kindergarten. “Like the Three Musketeers,” noted Levi’s mom, Angie (they play soccer together, too). The lead musketeer on this project was Abe:
They know people who’ve been helped by Locks of Love, too. Baxter explained, “My great-auntie in Germany had chemotherapy.” Levi added, “My dad’s friend got alopecia.”
But finally the time for talking ended, and it was on with the haircuts; we heard one mom note she couldn’t remember the last time she saw her son’s neck. Since the whole hair-growing idea was Abe’s, he went first – that’s West Seattle Kids staffer Janet Powell with the scissors:
Then on the other side of the salon, West Seattle Kids owner Sophia Blackman carefully removed Levi’s ponytailed hair (the ponytail is important for packaging the donation):
Levi then moved on to talk with the KING photojournalist, offering a poignant explanation of how kids will be helped by this type of hair donation:
And then the action moved back to the salon chairs, where Baxter finally joined his friends in saying goodbye to the long hair (which he said he’d enjoyed having because it was “like a built-in scarf”):
Many photo-ops ensued, including Baxter with proud dad Matt Knannlein, who sent us first word of the haircutting plan last month:
So will the boys’ classmates and teachers be surprised when they go back to school Monday and show off their new hairstyles?
Probably, they acknowledge. But perhaps those classmates and teachers shouldn’t get used to it. At least two of the boys are thinking of growing their hair to donate again.
If you want to donate to Locks of Love – take note, adults can do it too, as long as you’ll have a ponytail or braid at least 10″ long when it’s cut. Lots of info here, including who LOL helps, and how to donate. Seldom does a haircut appointment turn into such a joyful occasion – we lost count of all the smiles we saw:
(Thanks to Brian C for the photo – added 2:30 pm)
ORIGINAL 1:31 PM REPORT: Thanks for the notes and texts about a large number of police cars on The Bridge, eastbound near the exit to The Viaduct, in the past 20 minutes or so – tipsters say they were focused on a minivan, and that some officers had guns drawn. We’re checking to find out more. (There was some report of traffic backups as a result, but we’re not seeing that on the traffic camera right now.) ADDED 1:57 PM: Just heard back from Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James:
There was a residential burglary in the northern part of West Seattle this morning where two suspects were seen fleeing in a dark colored van. Shortly after that, a dark colored van was seen casing several residences in the south portion of West Seattle. The license number of the suspicious van was broadcast. Officers put two and two together and figured that these two were connected. An officer spotted the van northbound on Delridge. It was stopped [on the bridge], the occupants detained and items from the initial burglary were recovered from the van. Two males were arrested – one adult and one juvenile.
From Renae in the 6000 block of 45th SW (map), a sighting she wanted to share – read on:Read More
Just out of the WSB inbox from Nancy Woodland at WestSide Baby:
Did your New Year’s Resolution include more volunteer work?
WestSide Baby needs extra volunteers today, Saturday Jan. 2 (now until 4pm), to help sort toys. We will stay open today until 4 pm just for toy sorting volunteers. If you’d like to come down today to help us, show up or call us at 767-1662. Children 7-14 welcome with adult supervision and teens over 14 can be dropped off. Adults always welcome, of course!! We need extra hands today to help sort and package all the toys that have been displaced by the bounty Santa brought this year. Item donations encouraged until 1pm. THANKS!!
WestSide Baby is at 10032 15th SW in White Center – here’s a map.
Having driven donations to organizations outside West Seattle in past years, we didn’t know Stop ‘n’ Shop at the Senior Center of West Seattle accepted donated items. But now we do, thanks to this WSB Forums post. If your New Year’s resolution includes clearing away stuff that’s usable but not being used, there’s another local option!
Thanks to Jillian for sharing that view of this year’s Space Needle fireworks from West Seattle – one more look as the holiday season winds down this weekend with tasks like taking down the Christmas tree. Since this weekend is prime time for many to, shall we say, de-decorate, we wanted to mention this once more: The city has two ways for you to recycle trees. If you don’t mind some chopping and bundling, there’s curbside pickup; if you’d like to just recycle it in one piece, your tree is more likely to fit the guidelines of what’s acceptable for dropoff at the South Recycling and Disposal Station over in South Park. See the guidelines here; here’s a map to the disposal station (open 8 am-5:30 pm daily).
That’s the subject line of the e-mail in which WSB’er “Grr” sent the photo shown above; he had placed a card on the door of the Jade West Cafe a week ago, as noted here, and now that the first card is filled up, he noticed today that someone else has added an even bigger one. “Wah,” of course, is the proprietor of Jade West, Wah Wong, now out of the hospital after being badly hurt when a driver hit him, his son and wife outside their Beacon Hill home on December 12. The driver, Rodney James, is charged with vehicular assault and remains jailed in lieu of $250,000 bail; Wah Wong is out of the hospital but his son Jason Wong, who lost part of a leg in the crash, was still there as of our last check a few days ago. No official word yet on plans for reopening the cafe, long a beloved and quirky one-man operation.
3 Crime Watch reports to share tonight – 2 cases of vandalism at local homes – one that happened earlier tonight – plus a car prowl. First, from FH in the 3400 block of 45th SW [map]:
I wanted to report that our front door window pane was smashed at a little before 6:00 pm tonight. A neighbor walking by heard a crash and then saw a kid run from our front yard across 45th Ave SW to Madison Middle School. He called the police who came, reported in the incident and provided a case number. … The neighbor said he also heard a crash of glass from the corner of Spokane and 45th Ave SW.
A North Admiral resident reports:
Writing to report that our house on 46th Ave and College [map] has been vandalized twice in the last week. December 25th and December 31st after dark our house was egged and mail removed from a locked mailbox and strewn across the porch. The vandals had to climb very steep stairs and the house is not surrounded by trees or bushes, it is out in the open. Report filed with the police department and they will be patrolling more frequently in the next weeks. Hope neighbors will keep a look out and report suspicious people, especially after dark. The postman observed that other houses were not egged so this feels like a repeat-targeting of our house. Wondering if there have been other reports such as this.
And from Annamarie in the 6900 block of 25th SW [map], who reports several cars were prowled in her neighborhood Wednesday night; she discovered she was among the victims after a neighbor’s phone call:
We both had not locked our doors and they did not break anything. I am missing CD’s, tools, etc. My car is parked right outside my bedroom window with security lights and all…but I did not hear them. I just want to get out a warning. I normally lock my car doors but must have not remembered …
Thanks to Lina Rose for sharing photos taken by husband Scott Rose during last night’s low tide.
Lina says, “Our favorite thing from the evening was the small blue shrimp with iridescent eyes. We have never noticed these in the daytime but they were really cool. Also- I have never seen so many crabs out and about!” Tonight’s low tide is almost as low, another minus-three-footer, bottoming out around quarter past 11.
Looking ahead on the chart, it appears the tides won’t get this low again until June.