12:36 PM: Almost 12 hours after the only noteworthy snow shower – and it was a brief one, as we noted – there’s more falling right now, loud and sleety. (Five minutes later, the cars are covered in white – fleetingly.)
12:47 PM UPDATE: After about 10 minutes, down to flurry status. Added a video clip from the height of the shower. Newest forecast says we might see this off and on till midnight or so.

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, before the icy bits all melted from atop cars)
1:06 PM UPDATE: The latest from SDOT, which notes we might have to worry about ice tonight (lows are projected in the 20s):
SDOT crews will continue patrolling and treating streets in the north end of Seattle today as needed although streets for the most part remain bare and wet.
Temperatures are forecast to drop below freezing early this evening with the possibility of up to one inch of snow or freezing rain. Crews will be out throughout the city to treat major arterial streets as needed and in preparation for the evening commute. Night crews will continue this work depending on conditions.
SDOT managers will closely monitor the weather throughout the evening and make changes if needed.
Drivers are advised to slow down this evening and tomorrow morning, and be prepared for ice, especially on bridges and other elevated structures.
2:09 PM UPDATE: And now it’s sunny! If we get any more showery weather, we’ll update this story rather than launching a new one. It’s clearly one of those days where the weather changes every five minutes and every five miles (if not less!).