Just found out that the hot local teen rockers Castbound (recorded above during this fall’s Holy Rosary WestFest) will open for Mayor Mike McGinn at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center tomorrow night. Well, that’s sort of what they’re doing. They’re playing around 6:30, right before Q/A during the mayor’s West Seattle town hall. So tonight we’re publishing this reminder that if you have something to say to the mayor, he’s here tomorrow night for exactly that purpose. Budget cuts? Snow response? Viaduct/Tunnel (he’s at a non-city meeting about that tonight)? Moderators are local uber-active neighborhood/civic volunteers/advocates Pete Spalding and Chas Redmond. The 6:30 performance/6:35 mayoral Q/A will be preceded by a 6 pm resource fair – learn more about who and what are here to help you in West Seattle! Youngstown’s at 4408 Delridge.
West Seattle, Washington
15 Saturday
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