(Photo by Deanie Schwarz, added 12:58 pm)
Another business is closing on the Highland Park site that is in foreclosure at 16th/Holden. First it was SeaMart, as reported here one week ago; the mini-market’s owner lost the property to foreclosure and shut the store after Christmas Eve. The other two businesses on the site, Zippy’s Giant Burgers and JoJo’s FIne Espresso, have been grappling with what the property’s uncertain future means to their businesses. Yesterday, shortly after publishing a followup focused on Zippy’s, the Seattle Weekly reported separately that JoJo’s owner Jodi Robbins had decided to close. Her stand was closed for the day when we subsequently went over to seek more details, but she confirms it in an online reply this morning: “Yes, it is true, I will be closing shop.” After the jump, her full reply explaining why she’s made the decision, and what she’ll miss:
When SeaMart closed, I lost my bathroom and wash area that was in my plans to the city … I now close shop to run home and use the rest area if I can’t go into Zippy’s. Also I’ve had to take dishes home at night but this is not good enough for the Health Department. We cannot use Zippy’s because they don’t know what is going on with their business and it’s required to have all this within 100 feet, not to mention that my rent is going up, I could barely stay open with the rent it was before.
Dropping a sewer is way too expensive with my husband just being laid off for the second time; we just can’t afford it. Moving to a different location of course is in my mind but the time frame is all wrong, so I will pack up and hold on to my equipment until I know what is next in my future. My family and I have lived in the area for 12 years and the last five years I have gotten to know a lot of people here in West Seattle; plus having teenagers I know a lot of parents that I have shared some good and bad times with. West Seattle has some of the greatest people I have ever met and although we are all different we all want pretty much the same things in life – peace, laughter and being around family and good people.
I will miss so much of the humor that has come through, and although it has been mostly me working seven days a week, I don’t regret opening this little crazy fun coffee shop. I hope Zippy’s gets what they need to take over the whole corner, they are great people with a dream they have worked hard to fulfill and i wish them the best of luck. …
As soon as my supplies run out I will close, and because it has been a slow week i may be here till early next week.