West Seattle businesses: More about ‘The Bridge’

You might have missed this tidbit of news, since we rolled it up along with a semi-update on the future West Seattle Trader Joe’s: The former Redline Music and Sports on 35th south of Avalon will become The Bridge. As noted in our brief mention Friday, we sent out an inquiry to its proprietor. And we’ve now heard back from Rita Dixson, who says she and her business partner hope to open in mid-December, depending on how renovations go:

Trevor and I are both longtime West Seattle residents and are relishing the opportunity to breathe new life into an underutilized West Seattle feature.

I’m currently working at Talarico’s. Taking over the old Redline building gives us both an opportunity to put our own (hopefully) unique stamp on the nightlife industry.

Some key features of the Redline will remain, such as on-site parking and a large outdoor patio. We aim to add a satellite bar and fire pit in the summer months. Inside we are looking to to create an intimate, welcoming environment with an emphasis on good drinks and good, simple food.

12 Replies to "West Seattle businesses: More about 'The Bridge'"

  • coffee November 8, 2010 (4:58 pm)

    ok, just wondering, why did Redline go out then? I did see workers working on the building today when I drove by.

  • HelperMonkey November 8, 2010 (5:37 pm)

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix the bathrooms. :D

  • Butch November 8, 2010 (5:42 pm)

    Still a Coug bar?

  • Baba November 8, 2010 (6:47 pm)

    Rita and Trevor,
    I admire your courage! I hope you thought everything through, though…
    Good luck, in the most sincere way!!!

  • redblack November 8, 2010 (7:00 pm)

    that roof is in pretty sad shape too, as far as i remember.

  • A November 8, 2010 (8:51 pm)

    This place is in the worst spot – right there with the heavily used bus stop. The building is always covered in grafitti. I say tear it down.

  • austin November 9, 2010 (7:50 am)

    How is being next to a popular bus stop a bad thing for a business? I thought the redline was a total ditch but being next to a bus stop and in walking distance for a lot of people that seems like a pretty good location for a bar.

  • spicyfunk November 9, 2010 (9:12 am)

    Sweet! Someone is willing to improve that location, and it gives me a local haunt with parking and a bus stop. Sounds like win-win-win to me. And it’s off the “Bridge” ;) on my way home. If they have decent beer and nice staff, it sounds great to me.

  • 4thGenWestSide November 9, 2010 (9:26 am)

    Was in there a few months ago. How can the Hulings re-lease such a hazard? Maybe they could spend a little to make it inhabitable and give the new tenants half a chance at making it. Weren’t they planning to knock it down (before they found out the soil was contaminated) to build that 80’s style mixed use building?

  • Cyn November 9, 2010 (11:30 am)

    Hulings had big big plans for that site before the monorail project went bust. Now they don’t care (big surprise). The dirt parcel next door is the one that is being monitored for contamination. You can thank Hulings and the old storage tank business for that.

    Good luck to the Bridge.

  • Sara November 9, 2010 (7:53 pm)

    I think it’s a great idea, but please more parking spaces somehow… it was so hard to turn in there and once you did, you were trapped in with KFC!

  • chris November 15, 2010 (7:49 am)

    Congratulations Rita and “PB”
    Grammie Lizard.

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