Time to ‘fall back’: Turn the clock back one hour Sunday

Just in case you haven’t been over-reminded yet: Daylight Saving Time is in its waning hours for this year; early Sunday – aka Saturday night – we’ll turn the clock back an hour (2 am Sunday becomes 1 am). Lost track of time? Find the official U.S. clock here.

7 Replies to "Time to 'fall back': Turn the clock back one hour Sunday"

  • Pursklid November 5, 2010 (3:34 am)

    So stupid. End this dumb thing already.

  • RG November 5, 2010 (7:57 am)

    I wonder if it would actually be possible, to end this practice? It’s a wasteful use of energy and resources. For people, it seems to cause frustration and mix-ups

  • MargL November 5, 2010 (8:50 am)

    We purchased a self-setting clock right before the Bush administration changed the day everyone is supposed to change their clocks. Apparently the day is hard-coded into the clock (duh, this’ll never change says the programmer) so it decided to change -last- weekend. Talk about frustration and mix-ups!!!
    Europe is on a different schedule which also makes scheduling remote meetings a trial.

  • Diane November 5, 2010 (12:08 pm)

    just heard some interesting trivia on ch4 weather news; tomorrow/Sat is latest sunrise, 8ish am, since 1973, due to very late time change

  • JayDee November 5, 2010 (12:25 pm)

    I say move the U.S. back 30 minutes, and call the whole thing off. I’d miss sunsets at 9:10 or so in the summer, but would rather not spend 2+ days feeling/realizing that I am late.

  • JBL November 5, 2010 (12:52 pm)

    This time every year I look at it this way…it’s like over paying your taxes and the reward at the end of the year is a refund. In this case it’s an hour extra of sleep. I’ll take it!

  • displacedcoastie November 5, 2010 (1:23 pm)

    Maybe with the extra hour you could find something else to complain about besides Day Light Savings.

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