(Patrick Dunn and Christina Hahs with the cider press)
Got apples? Pears? The cider press demonstrated at today’s West Seattle Farmers’ Market by Sustainable West Seattle is available to borrow from the WS Tool Library – as is a smaller one, SWS tells us. The library’s open Saturdays and Sundays (hours and location here). And Sustainable WS is looking ahead to a big annual event next Saturday – it’s the Money-Free Shopping Spree, and you don’t have to be a member to be part of it. 4-8 pm on Saturday, November 27 – which has been dubbed “Green Saturday” as a counterpoint to “Black Friday” – at Camp Long Lodge, bring handmade crafts, food, or certificates of services you can provide. This is an exchange event, not a sale. Full details, and ideas of what qualifies, can be found in this update on the SWS website – they’re also requesting that would-be participants add comments there with information on what they will bring. (And this comment from SWS’s Stu Hennessey also addresses the potluck that’ll kick off the Money-Free Shopping Spree.)
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