“They take music seriously, but also have serious fun!” says Monica, explaining the photo of Chief Sealth International High School‘s Jazz I group at the recent Mill Creek Jazz Festival. She sent it to accompany this invitation:
Please come join the Chief Sealth community for an evening of Jazz performed by our two Jazz ensembles.
Jazz Night at Chief Sealth
Thursday, December 2nd, 7 pm
Free, but donations always gratefully accepted
The school’s at 2600 SW Thistle. Another concert just announced :

Bells of the Sound performs at 7:30 pm Friday, December 10th, at Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor):
Choirs singing on the Christmas Ship, ballerinas dancing to The Nutcracker, and rain pattering on an umbrella-these are just some of the sounds of Christmas in the Puget Sound. And bells-what would Christmas be without the sound of bells? Bells of the Sound, the premier handbell group in the Puget Sound, will present The Sound of Christmas, a delightful program that offers a new take on several holiday favorites, including O Come, O Come Emmanuel, Pat-a-Pan and Feliz Navidad. Join us as we ring in the season!
Tibbetts is at 3940 41st Avenue SW; admission is a suggested donation, $10 adults, $8 children/seniors. Adding this one to the WSB West Seattle Holidays page, where several other concert listings await (make sure we have yours!).