Just out of the WSB inbox, from David:
I fell asleep on the couch last night and was awoken at 3:30 AM. It was a dead silent night and I heard strange noises coming from the portables at the southeast corner of the old Denny Middle School building (29th and Cloverdale). I looked out from my deck and saw a guy with a flash light peering around. I called 911 and reported the suspicious activity.
Two squad cars were there almost immediately and caught the guy as he was trying to leave on his bicycle. I was impressed at how fast they responded!
This morning at 8:00 AM there was a knock at my door. A uniformed police officer was there thanking me for calling 911. She explained the guy they caught last night is well known to the police department and I should call in any time I see him at night. As she explained he is always up to no good.
Anybody missing a small air compressor? The officer explained that he was caught with this item on his possession.
So the moral of the story is: Go with your gut and call 911 of any and all suspicious activity. A false alarm is better than a crime going unreported.