Quite the story behind a brief lockdown this past hour at Holy Family School (WSB sponsor) on Roxbury. WSB scanner ace Katie tipped us to the lockdown report, linked to a call about someone reportedly seen with a rifle. It was already ending as we arrived, and here’s what we found out from Holy Family principal Frank Cantwell and staff: A nearby resident was loading a pellet gun to try to get rid of a rat. The resident somehow managed to do this in full view of second-graders who were outside and who subsequently told their teacher they’d better call the police because they saw a man with a gun. Police responded and figured out what was going on pretty quick, but gave the kids major props for their instincts – better to call when you think there’s trouble, than to hesitate. So it’s all over now, no one hurt, all’s well. (By the way, Holy Family is getting ready for its second annual Community Street Fair – both days this weekend; lots of info here.)
West Seattle, Washington
10 Tuesday