The photo above is courtesy of WSB reader Dan, who spotted this seemingly rare bird in West Seattle yesterday in Endolyne (south of Fauntleroy, on Marine View Drive overlooking Puget Sound).
From Dan:
Saw a very unusual bird at our bird feeder yesterday. Got a picture of it and sent it to a lady the local Audubon said was an expert. She identified it as definitely not local in nature and probably someone’s pet that got out. Below is her e-mail answer (quite a coincidence that she happens to be in Aftrica now but reads her local e-mail daily).
Hi Dan,
Thanks for writing and sending the pictures. You’re right that that’s no goldfinch. It’s definitely not even a Pacific Northwest bird. In fact, since I am in Africa right now, I recognize it as a male Yellow-crowned Bishop. They are sometimes kept in captivity, so perhaps one has escaped. They are not migratory and it is highly unlikely one got from subsaharan Africa to the Seattle area on its own!
Hope this helps,
Also spotted in West Seattle: WSB’er Timothy says he “met these two lovelies on a walk along Lincoln Park beach this morning,” and he wondered if there was a “domesticated goose escape” of some kind?

SEPTEMBER 1 UPDATE: Many thanks to those readers who reminded us that these particular geese are “well-known residents” of that area. As noted by WSB’er Carolyn:
They are indeed domestic geese, however, they were born (May ’09) down by the ferry terminal, and have lived in the ‘wild’ all their lives. They are well cared for by the folks in the neighborhood. They are used to people and to being fed.
Mom (Goose) disappeared this year in April, after about a 16 year residence in the area.
Finally, just a reminder that our Pets section is bustling hub of activity for lost/found animals around the neighborhood. This past weekend, the handsome parrot Miya (photo below) found his way back home: