New market in High Point seeks support for ‘change of use’

Shared by Sustainable West Seattle president Brian Allen – High Point community management is putting out a call for support on behalf of a man who wants to open a small East African food store in what was a storage space on the Hans VW site along Graham just east of 35th [map]. They say the would-be proprietor of High Point Mini-Market and Deli needs city permission for change of use at the location, though, and that’s why they’re looking for letters of support. We went over to Hans VW to check; they confirm that they’re renting a small structure on their site to the future market proprietor. DPD online files do not turn up an application regarding any part of this site so far, but according to what SWS’s Allen forwarded, support letters are being collected ASAP by Jeanette Fournier, who sent this letter as an example; you can e-mail yours to her at

3 Replies to "New market in High Point seeks support for 'change of use'"

  • Eric Goetz July 27, 2010 (9:01 pm)

    This would be great. The area around High Point needs desperately to be re-zoned to allow more businesses. The success of Marination near the junction of 35th and Morgan illustrates there is clearly a demand for some sort of market and restaurant establishment in the area.

  • Julie July 27, 2010 (11:36 pm)

    We need a local source for injera!

  • Amber July 28, 2010 (11:28 am)

    Ditto my support – I would love to patronize such a business! And should anyone in the local N. African community feel inspired to open a restaurant, you will have an enthusiastic customer here!

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