If you are a longtime WSB’er, you may remember West Seattle Art Attack – the whimsical late-night forays of a glass artist (and accomplices) to leave surprises here and there – here’s our first report from fall 2007. As far as we know, WSAA has been dormant for two years (here’s the last spree) – but we just got a communique:
We are targeting 6 houses in the Admiral neighborhood tonight. We scoped them out in an afternoon drive-by and it was hard to pick but based on our whims and an appreciation for the care they have put into their yards we have selected some recipients for a midnight (perhaps sooner) surprise. As long as everyone knows that this is yard art and often has cracks or chips (but is not dangerously sharp) and is not a piece of studio quality glass we’ll all be good. It’s great to be back attacking again!
WSAA tells us they’re actually already back from the covert operation … so if you find an artsy surprise in your yard, let us all know!