The headlines from Wednesday night’s Highland Park Action Committee meeting at Highland Park Improvement Club headquarters:
TAKING A STAND ON 4TH OF JULY: Announced by Laura Drake toward the end of the meeting, there’s a plan to try to prevent fireworks mayhem on the Highland Park Elementary School grounds on the 4th of July. Neighbors are going to stand at its closed gates from about 9 till 10 pm to try to get people to stay away – “Bring a camera and start taking pictures in case things get weird,” Drake advised. She also suggested brightly-colored shirts.
RESERVOIR PARK MEETING REMINDER: As HPAC attendees were reminded by chair Dan Mullins, tomorrow (Saturday), 10 am at Southwest Community Center, is the fourth public meeting about the West Seattle Reservoir park expansion at Westcrest – and the design is scheduled to be shown.
Several more items ahead, including a high-profile crime case and the new Sunday Market:
NO NEW INFORMATION ON BEATING CASE: Mullins said he’d met with local police and was disappointed that no new information was forthcoming about the case that’s now almost a month old, involving the beating of a teenage boy who told police his attackers made racist remarks. This spun off into a discussion about the safety of the staircase where the incident was reported to have happened, and a possible community effort to make it safer.
WALK/BIKE/RIDE: Rebecca Deehr from the city briefed the group on Mayor McGinn‘s initiative (which was the subject of a Delridge meeting earlier this month – here’s our coverage). She invited everyone to fill out a Walk/Bike/Ride online ballot if they hadn’t already – you can do it online here. She says the next milestone for the initiative will be seeing what can be done in the 2011-2012 city budget for implementing the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plans’ components as well as updating the Transit Master Plan.
MORE STREET IMPROVEMENTS: Former HPAC chair Dorsol Plants said he’s now working with Streets For All. He voiced concerns about places where crosswalks are desperately needed, and other safety issues, and said the group wants the city to commit a certain amount of money each year for improvements, not just keep coming up with plans that never get executed. He also suggested city leaders can’t be counted on to keep these issues as priorities: “Right now we have a mayor and city council not talking to each other – they’ve drawn lines against each other – we can’t wait any longer.” (Plants also accepted the certificate he couldn’t pick up at the last meeting, for his leadership while HPAC was working to oppose a potential new municipal jail.)
HIGHLAND PARK SUNDAY MARKET: You’ve read about it at WSB for a few times, and now the debut HP Sunday Market is just two days away. Its organizer Tiffany Silver-Brace updated HPAC, with the biggest round of “oohs” and “aahs” coming as she mentioned that Freshy’s Coffee (in Admiral) was bringing fresh-made soup to sell. There’s no website for the market yet, but you can find it on Facebook as West Seattle Sunday Market. It’ll be open 9 am-1 pm on Sunday (p.s. WSB will have a table too, to cover it “live,” so we’ll see you there).
BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: This meeting’s featured business was The Mitered Corner, headquartered in Beverly Park/Top Hat, run by an HPAC founder who shared the story of the group’s beginning – including its first meeting, with nearly 200 people in attendance, tryin to do something about a “drug house.”
DANCE! Lauren Petrie plays the music at HPIC tonight, 7-10 pm.
Highland Park Action Committee usually meets the fourth Wednesday of the month, 7 pm, HP Improvement Club.
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