West Seattle summer fun: Printable list of big-event dates

We made this for the West Seattle 5K participant goodie bags – sponsors got the chance to include collateral – but we wanted to share it here for anybody to print. It’s a one-page 8 1/2 x 11 list, printable, of dates for key summer events around here. By no means all-inclusive – we keep adding to the WSB West Seattle Events calendar page all the time, and that page has MANY more listed – but what most would consider “the biggest” are here. Here’s the 1-page PDF.

3 Replies to "West Seattle summer fun: Printable list of big-event dates"

  • awesome May 25, 2010 (8:12 pm)

    That PDF list is GREAT! THANK YOU!!

  • JCM May 26, 2010 (7:48 am)

    Any news on the Alki car show? The maple valley street rods website is gone…

    • WSB May 26, 2010 (8:36 am)

      JCM … in our four summers (so far) of covering and previewing events, that one has been a challenge because we have never been able to find advance information, online or offline. Flyers seem to mysteriously appear in obscure places … and then the cars themselves materialize, usually the same day as the West Seattle parade. Just found one mention, nonlinked, on a list of car shows – and I know July 24 is parade day this year – so if you are curious about entering a car, you might try calling: “24 Classic Car Show on Alki. Seattle, WA 206.763.3319” from http://www.autoviceservice.com/none_vw.htm

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