Strong showing: Southwest Youth/Family Services group scores big

Joseph Seia, Pacific Islander Family Advocate at West Seattle’s Southwest Youth and Family Services, shares that photo, with news of the big achievement just scored by the kids who posed for it:

I just wanted to pass on this awesome piece of news! At the “Washington’s Strongest School” competition held last Saturday at Memorial Stadium, the kids from Southwest Youth and Family Services placed second!

This group of South Pacific Islander kids has been working for about a year now in becoming more active, and this illustrates how far they’ve come. It was exciting for them to be competing against schools like Juanita, Garfield and O’dea, and they were really proud of themselves for doing so well.

A little online research about this first-ever competition reveals that West Seattle High School had a team there too. They and SWYFS are among the schools featured in a photo report on the Bulky Boy Clothing Company’s website.

1 Reply to "Strong showing: Southwest Youth/Family Services group scores big"

  • lina rose May 26, 2010 (5:42 am)

    that is awesome! yeah for strong kids! i am sure they put loads of work and heart into placing, they should be super proud!

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