Lincoln Park “stinky bob” is no match for West Seattle Brownies

Volunteer forest steward Sharon Baker with Friends of Lincoln Park shares these photos and a report on the special volunteers who helped her group last Saturday:

On behalf of the Friends of Lincoln Park and the Green Seattle Partnership I would like to thank the fabulous girls of Brownie Troop 42780 of West Seattle (and their brothers and parents). They came to Lincoln Park on Saturday, May 1 and cleared a large patch of one of our major invasive weeds, “stinky bob”. It was really fun to work with these strong, active, outdoorsy kids. They did very good work and made a major contribution to the Park.

Want to help in local parks/greenspaces? Most weekends, there are several work parties in West Seattle – check And by the way, if you don’t know offhand what “stinky bob” looks like – check this out. Unless you are a world-class weed-puller, it may be in your yard right now. The hairy red stems are the telltale sign, along with those little pink flowers – if you grab it close to the ground and pull slowly, it comes out fairly easily.

5 Replies to "Lincoln Park "stinky bob" is no match for West Seattle Brownies"

  • sr May 4, 2010 (8:49 am)

    Good job! They look like a band of elves!

  • Wendy Hughes-Jelen May 4, 2010 (11:34 am)

    Stinky Bob (Herb Robert) is a horrible invasive, luckily it is easy to pull out of the ground. Its lacy greenery looks a little bit like my favorite spring flowering plant, Bleeding Heart (the native dicentra formosa) so I have a special dislike of horrible stinky Bob! This is a great example of how children can be shown at an early age a particular invasive that I guarantee they will now pull when walking in parks probably for the rest of their lives! Good job!!

    Wendy Hughes-Jelen, 2001 graduate of the Native Plant Stewardship Program of Washington Native Plant Society

  • db May 4, 2010 (3:57 pm)

    I didn’t know it grew in trees! Why those enterprising little darlings. Actually, their not very long attention spans failed them and they took to the trees like the little primates they are.

    Anyone know a good recipe for stinky bob?

  • bolo May 4, 2010 (11:06 pm)

    We had a rabbit that loved stinky bob; he would eat it all day long.

  • Diane Royce May 10, 2010 (6:02 pm)

    Hats off to these girls AND their clever Brownie Troop leader who thought of this idea AND to the moms and dads who got them there for this worthwhile project. Save Our World starts at home and these people have the right idea!

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