As of 7:30 am, 209 bicyclists had checked in at Cascade Bicycle Club‘s official Bike-To-Work Day commute station by the west end of the “low bridge” – close to last year’s pace, we’re told. Matt from sponsoring BECU demonstrated the clicker being used to check riders in:

The station is up and running till 9 am, offering riders refreshments and information. It’s one of many around the city; then 4-7 pm, Cascade is presenting a citywide Bike-To-Work Day afterparty in Ballard – part of Seattle Summer Streets, which returns to West Seattle on Sunday with the main Alki roadway closed from SW Maryland to 63rd SW, 9 am-5 pm (the West Seattle 5K Run/Walk [co-sponsored by WSB] kicks off the day). P.S. There’s also a BTW Day rally downtown this morning – Cascade has photo links on its Twitter feed.