What the Alki dust is all about: Pump-station road restoration

A little while ago, a note came in asking about a big cloud of dust or smoke on the east end of Alki Beach. If you’re seeing it from a distance, here’s what it’s all about: Road-resurfacing work at the 53rd Avenue Pump Station site, final phase of the two-year-plus project. Thanks to Bob Bollen for sharing the photo – he wrote, “At last a finished road is in sight!”

3 Replies to "What the Alki dust is all about: Pump-station road restoration"

  • CB April 19, 2010 (12:12 pm)

    Finally! Nice day to pave. Way to go SDOT!

  • Michael April 19, 2010 (12:14 pm)

    Are they going to fix the sidewalk too, so kids skating and biking don’t injure themselves on the ill-placed plates and grates in the middle of the path?

  • Dan April 21, 2010 (12:51 pm)

    Anyone know if they are planning on restoring the bus stops they removed for this project? Specifically the one at the bottom of 53rd.

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