WEST SEATTLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AWARDS: This morning at Salty’s on Alki, the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce has its annual Awards Breakfast. This year’s honorees were announced last month: Nancy Woodland from WestSide Baby is the Community Hero of the Year, Chief Sealth High School basketball coach Colin Slingsby is Westsider of the Year (a new award), and WSB is honored to be accepting the Business of the Year award. The event starts at 7:30 am.
SOUTHWEST DISTRICT COUNCIL: Reps from community councils and other major organizations around western West Seattle – what the city calls the Southwest District – meet at 7 pm in the South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) board room. The agenda includes City Council President Richard Conlin and a presentation/discussion of the Admiral Neighborhood Plan, as the SWDC starts a months-long look at the neighborhoods in its jurisidiction that have such plans.
WESTWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: Three big topics on the agenda for this group, 7 pm at Southwest Community Center: An update on Metro’s RapidRide and how it will serve the Westwood area; the future P-Patch at 34th/Barton; and teen drinking. More at the WNC site, www.scn.org/westwood.
(ADDED) FINE FILMS AT FRESHY’S: Screening tonight at Freshy’s Coffee in the Admiral District, 7 pm – “Jackie Chan Kung Fu!” as the announcement puts it – “Legend of Drunken Master.” Here’s the Facebook event invite.