West Seattle Crime Watch: More cars targeted; gate vandalized

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports to share tonight – one neighborhood with at least three car break-ins in recent days, another car-prowl victim who wants to remind you of the lesson too many learn too late, and a case of gate vandalism – read on:

First: from Hansen View Blockwatch co-captain Karen Berge (also co-admin of the <strong>West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network on Facebook) – car prowl reports from the 5000 block of 36th (map) on Saturday night (driver’s side window broken and Sirius radio receiver stolen off dash, a car on 38th SW that same night, and in the 5000 block of 37th last Monday night, a car “rummaged through” with sunglasses stolen.

Next, Monty said, “Be sure to tell people not to leave items in plain view for someone walking by” as he e-mailed this report:

On Sunday 4/4/10 my girlfriend and I decided to go for a run along Alki and parked at the 1600 block of Harbor Ave SW [map], right where the steep portion of California is. We were away from the car from about 5 pm to 6 pm. After the run we got back to the car and noticed a backpack and a duffel bag I had sitting in the backseat of the car were missing. I will be the first to admit that I screwed up and left stuff sitting in plain view. I’m guessing they just peeled back the window and unlocked the door since I have needed to do it a few times myself with the car. Stuff missing was two wallets, two phones, a laptop and other personal stuff. I’m amazed that someone pulled this off in broad daylight near places where people always are walking.

And from Christy near 45th and Genesee (map):

Came home about 2 p.m. today after being gone for one week to find the gate from our back yard to the alley had been vandalized. The other two gates that lead to our front yard have keyed locks and were locked and untouched. The gate that goes to the alley (a 6′ tall x 3′ wide gate) was wide open and all the wood slats had been kicked out and were laying on the hillside down to the alley. This gate just has a sliding bolt type lock and it was ripped off the gate. Reported to 911. This could have happened anytime this past week.

She checked with her neighbors, who said they hadn’t seen or heard anything unusual. As we reported following last week’s Admiral Crime Prevention Summit, that remains a major component of police advice – know your neighbors, check in with them, make sure you’re keeping an eye out for each other. (And form a Block Watch if you don’t have one! Start here.) P.S. This month’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting will be Tuesday, April 20, 7 pm, Southwest Precinct.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: More cars targeted; gate vandalized"

  • dustinpz April 8, 2010 (10:50 am)

    My car was broken into last night as well. Along that same path. I am between Fauntleroy and 39th, I had nothing of value in my car and nothing was broken to get in. My car auto-locks so I am confused as to how this occurred and why the alarm didn’t go off. I will be contacting the Police in a little bit to at least get a pattern to them.

    They did take my headset and my car charger for my phone that I can tell so far. Left CDs and the change in my car. Can ‘t get much for those things, so I hope it was worth it.

  • Reporter April 8, 2010 (8:18 pm)

    Our truck was broken into just south of 51st and Genesee.

  • barryleaf April 12, 2010 (7:35 am)

    probally about 6 months ago my truck was broken into and a few items were stolen. this was on 42nd ave

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